Safe Temperature To Go Swimming

What’s a Good Temperature to Go Swimming? Hypothermia Is Dangerous!

Well, most sources say 82°F/28°C. But is this true? Well, we are going to find out together in this article. The good thing is that you can swim, even in the cold season.

As you look out for the best time of day to go swimming, it is also a good idea to consider the pool temperature too.

For a recreational swimmer, the pool temperature should be utmost 84 degrees and at least 70°F/28.9°C and 21.1°C. 78 to 82°F/25.6°C to 27.8°C is considered comfortable.

If you are learning how to swim, a pool temperature of 84°F to 90°F/28.9°C to 32.2°C is comfortable for you.

Overall, a sunny day is the best for swimming. However, sometimes, it is just not possible to wait for the sun.

What is a normal temperature for a swimming pool?

To know whether the swimming pool water is too cold or too warm, you need to know the recommended temperature for the pools.

The minimum pool temperature should be 78°F/25.5°C. If it goes any lower than this, you could still swim in a swimsuit, but you would have to get out soon.

The recommended maximum temperature is 82°F/27.8°C. Warmer than that is not necessary since you are not taking a bath. You are swimming.

The temperature of the public swimming pools is 78.8°F to 82.4°F/26°C-28°C but for a private swimming pool, you can go as high as 86°F/30°C.

Best pool temperature for babies

The best pool temperature for babies should be around 84 to 86°F/28.9 to 30°C. Their bodies are not yet able to regulate temperature. Therefore, 84 degrees should not be too hot for them.

You should monitor your child closely while in the pool.  If you notice that he/she is shivering, get them out of the pool immediately.

77 to 82°F/25 to 27.8°C is perfect pool temperature because it is low enough to keep bacteria out. On the other hand, it is warm enough to accommodate those who want a cool swim.

Elderly people and those suffering from arthritis will want a warmer pool temperature. Therefore, the ideal pool warmth should be between 90 and 92 degrees.

It helps to reduce their joint pains and other health issues. Warm water has the benefit of being able to stimulate blood flow. In addition, it also loosens up the tight muscles.

Also read: Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection

Is 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) too cold to swim?

If you are an expert swimmer, and you are training for something, perhaps you can swim in 50 degrees in the swimming pool.

However, in many instances, this is the minimum swimming pool temperature. Don’t go any lower than this!

Let us look at this closely. 50°F is about 10°C. That is so cold, so do not even think about swimming in such low temperatures.

Therefore, 50°F/ considered dangerous for swimming. No hotel will let you get close to their swimming pool if that is the temperature.

This temperature can make you lose your breath and hypothermia will hit you hard. You will be in shock or when worse comes to worst, you can die from freezing.

In this regard, you need to avoid pools with very low temperatures. The ideal temperature for a commercial pool should be 82 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 27.5° C or 28.8°C.

This temperature is the best for a commercial pool because it can accommodate swimmers of all ages.

How to control pool temperature

Image of comfortable water temperature for swimming pool

If you have a swimming pool at home, you need to find out how you can control the temperature.

Or perhaps you can keep off the swimming pool in the cold season. However, if you do that, you will be missing out on cardio and other benefits. Remember, swimming gives you the best cardio ever.

In order to control your pool temperature, you will need a pool heater to keep your water temperature stable.

This heater comes with a built-in thermostat, which is ideal to control the temperature and create a heated swimming pool for winter.

You can set your pool heater in such a way that it heats the water when it’s cold and goes off automatically when the temperature is right.

That way, you avoid overheating the swimming pool, which is equally bad as under-heating it. It can also cause condensation in the swimming pool area, which you want to avoid.

You can use a pool cover, especially when the pool is not in use, to preserve its heat.  This will help you save on energy costs.

How do you control the temperature of a swimming pool? You have to make sure that your pool heater is in a good working condition at all times by maintaining and repairing it after a certain period of time.

Swimming temperature guideline for seniors

Swimming temperature guideline for seniors

The best pool temperature for seniors should be between 84 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit/28.8°C and 30°C.

Some seniors prefer a warm pool of up to 90°F/32.2°C. If you are a swimming pool attendant, just make sure seniors wear life vests before entering the pool.

There has to be an observer at all times to keep an eye on things. For extra safety, the pool should have a non-slippery floor to avoid the risk of falling.  In case your floor is slippery, advise them to wear slip-resistant shoes on the wet pavement.

Goggles can be helpful for the seniors or other people who wear contact lenses and for those who don’t want water to enter their eyes.

They can wear goggles for swimming to protect their eyes while outside the pool and hats to protect them from the sun.

Always make sure that all safety precautions are followed inside and outside the pool.  You should check the weather temperature and the pool temperatures before allowing people to use the pool.

Is 24 degrees too cold for swimming?

Is 24 degrees too cold for swimming

24°C is the recommended basic temperature requirement for swimming pools.  This is why most public swimming pool temperatures are within the range of 24 to 27 degrees Celsius.

If the water is any colder than that, you had better wear the gear for swimming in cold water.

If you have children swimming in the pool, keep it warmer. Actually, you should keep it at least 32 degrees Celsius. That is safe for teaching a four-year-old how to swim.

Swimming in this temperature range allows you to stay long enough inside the swimming pool. If you are swimming to lose weight, longer swimming sessions are recommended.

If you stay too long in water that is colder than 24 degrees Celsius, you could experience hypothermia. This happens when objects lose heat to the colder, surrounding environment.

Thankfully, you can wear swimming gloves to keep your hands warm.

Is 21 degrees too cold for swimming?

Is 21 degrees too cold for swimming

For children, 21°C is too low for swimming. However, adults can swim in such water without any problem, although they will take longer to acclimatize to the temperature.

If you are swimming in that temperature in your above ground swimming pool, enter the pool slowly so that your body can get used to the cold.

Once your body acclimatizes to the water, bingo! You can swim for as long as you want. There is no risk at all, unless you have a cold.

Even if you are swimming in the ocean or in a public swimming pool, you will have the pool almost to yourself. Many people prefer to swim in slightly higher temperature.

You could also wear the right swimming attire for cold water.  Include a pair of swim water shoes, and perhaps even a nice wetsuit for swimming.

If you have a below the head cold, you know, chest congestion and all, it would be better to swim in warmer water.

Also, prevent children from swimming in such water. It is better to err on the side of caution by making them swim in higher temperatures than otherwise.

Is 20 degrees OK for swimming?

20°C is actually warm enough to take a dip, even without a wetsuit for swimming.

20°C is actually the summer water temperature for many places such as the USA, and the UK. Of course, the weather outside the water will be hotter than this, so swimming will be a perfect way to cool your body.

In Canada, 20°C is considered cool, and you can swim in it without a problem. If the water temperature is 15 to 18 degrees, you will need a 3MM/2MM wetsuit for swimming.

If it is 11 to 14 degrees, you should use a heavier wetsuit, 4MM/5MM. Wetsuits are designed to keep you warm in cold water. If you wear one, it creates a buffer zone between the skin and the cold water. This prevents heat loss from the body.

In cold temperature, please wear a swimming cap, swim gloves to keep your hands warm, and neoprene boots.

If the water is colder than 10 degrees Celsius, it is best to avoid swimming altogether. But if you can continue swimming in winter in a heated pool.

Is 30 degrees too hot for a pool? Best for hot tub

Is 30 degrees too hot for a pool

No. 30 degrees is not too hot for the pool, although it could start to feel as if you are taking a bath instead of swimming.

Most public pools temperature will be 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. This is okay, as it is neither too cold nor too warm.

Your body is going to get used to the water soon, and you can swim for even more than 30 minutes, if you like.

Mostly, it is the private swimming pools that will have temperature going up to 30°C. Most people that own private swimming pools ask what temperature they can heat their pools to.


That is it for what is the best temperature to go swimming. You need a pool heater integrated with a thermostat that regulates the temperature of the pool.

If the pool temperature for swimming goes below 25°C, it is best not to let children swim. Adults can swim, but you would have to make your swimming session shorter.

You can swim in lower temperatures, but you would need to wear a befitting wetsuit.

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