Image of my body before and after swimming

How Does Swimming Change Body Shape? In Superb Ways!

Most people ask about the effects on my body before and after swimming.

One of the benefits of swimming is that it is a whole-body exercise. It works out all the muscle groups.

Think along the lines of the shoulder muscles, the chest, the glutes, hamstrings, and even the spinae erector muscles getting a full-blown workout when you swim.


In that light, it is only fair to expect that there will be some serious changes in your body. Here, we shall look at the 10 top changes that you should expect to see in your body.

It does not matter whether you are a man, woman, young or old. The swimmer’s body female before and after changes are many, as are men’s.

The changes in your swimming muscles before and after regular sessions in the water will be very encouraging.

Please note that these changes are not visible after swimming for just one or two sessions. It has been swimming constantly for weeks.

Also read our article on: Does water go inside you when you swim?

1. Strong heart and lungs

This is to be expected because swimming is a high-quality cardiovascular exercise. Of course, you cannot see your heart and lungs, but you will definitely feel them get stronger.

If you have been swimming daily for weeks, you will find that going up the stairs or a steep hill does not cost you as much energy as it used to before you took up swimming.

Cardio workouts such as swimming, rowing, biking, and others benefit the heart and lungs. Your lungs get stronger, and since they send oxygenated blood to the heart for redistribution to various parts of the body, you enjoy more energy.

You can also buy a good heart rate monitor from Use it to see how much your heart rate is going to increase after swimming consistently for days.

2. It helps in recovery from injury

Now, you should not get into the swimming pool if you have an open injury. However, if you are recovering from something, it can help.

Swimming rejuvenates the flow of blood to different parts of the body. Thus, nutrients will be taken where they are needed most, and this enhances healing.

If you have osteoarthritis, swimming can help ease joint pain.

3. Swimming burns fat and calories

Swimmers have a lower body fat percentage than people who do not swim. The reason for this is that a dip is a good calorie burner. Therefore, when you eat food, instead of the calories being converted into fat, they are burned.

If you swim in cold water on an empty stomach, that is really going to help you burn more calories. The body gets the message that it needs heat urgently.

Since metabolism produces heat energy, the metabolic rate goes really high. Thus, your body burns more fat cells.

4. It tones your body

Imagine having a well-toned body without having flabby skin on your thighs or under your upper arms. That is what swimming is going to do to you.

And the toned results are visible in every part of your body. For instance, the shoulders, the chest, your abdomen, and your thighs and calves look so toned. This is not going to happen in a week or a month, but if you stay consistent, it will really help.

You can also combine swimming with other exercises, such as strength training, to tone your muscles faster.

5. Swimming builds muscles

My body before and after swimming pictures will show you just how much muscle you can build in the pool.

Some of the most notable improvements will be on the arms and legs because these do most of the work.

However, you should also see some improvement in the abdomen area as well as on your back muscles, for instance, the lats that extend from under the armpits down the sides of the back.

6. Women get a bigger butt

Honestly, this is bound to happen, and I will show you why. In the buttocks, you find the largest muscle group in the body, which is called the glutes.

With all the kicking that goes on when swimming, you are bound to see an increase in the size of your buttocks. Well, most women love it, but men… another story!

7. Your shoulders appear more pronounced

After swimming consistently for some time, say, about six weeks, you are going to notice that your shoulders start to become more prominent.

The reason is that swimming really tones the shoulder muscles. It tightens the muscles really well. Swimming defines the shoulder muscles really well. You are left looking so awesome in the upper body.

8. Men have a more pronounced chest

Nothing pumps a man more than having a pronounced chest. Swimming does this for you!  As you pull with your hands when using different swimming strokes, the chest muscles get a good workout.

Of course, you could always make this better with a few strength-training workouts. The shoulders and the upper arms get a good workout too.

Since you cannot work out the shoulder muscles without impacting the chest muscles, you get a great workout in that area too.

9. You will lose that belly

Swimming burns belly fat!

Nothing is more irksome in the 21st century—the age of social media and photo filters where everyone looks so cute than belly fat.

It is one of the most stubborn fat areas in the body. However, with a consistent swimming schedule, you will start to see some improvement.

You should also note that there is no way to target one spot on your body while swimming. You will lose overall body weight, belly fat included.

Swimming alone will not burn all of that belly fat. However, you can try to swim in the morning before you eat anything. That way, since swimming is an energy-intensive exercise, you will compel your body to start burning the fat reserves.

Image of What is swimmers body
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My Body Before and After Swimming FAQ

You have seen 9 changes in my body before and after swimming. However, many people are still intrigued by how swimming changes their body. Here are some frequently asked questions that can help a lot more:

How will swimming change my body?

Swimming will give you more muscles, a toned body, and a flatter stomach. It will also make your shoulders more prominent, and in some cases, it even gives you a bigger butt. You will get killer cardio – a stronger heart and lungs.

How long does it take for swimming to change your body?

Six weeks is the average. However, depending on your body type, some people can take longer and others a shorter time. Just keep swimming, mostly for fun. If you want to target your body’s muscle groups, supplement with more workouts.

Does swimming tone your body quickly?

To tone all of your body’s muscle groups while swimming, you need to alternate different swimming strokes. Also, you have to swim harder and longer to see great results.

Swim until you feel really exhausted, and that is when you will know that your body is responding.

Does swimming burn belly fat?

It does not spot-burn belly fat, but it helps you lose weight all over the body. So yes, in a way, your belly fat is reduced. Swimming harder and longer is going to burn more belly fat. However, this is not going to happen any time soon.

Does swimming make your waist bigger?

Because of the workout that your glutes get from all the kicking that you do, you will have more defined hips. In fact, you might even add more muscle to your hips and butt. This will make your waist seem bigger, but it will not.

Why do I feel so good after swimming?

The same reason why you feel so good after explosive sex.

Your body releases feel-good hormones, and the level of stress hormones such as cortisol decreases in the system. This makes you happier, gives you better moods, and even makes you more confident.

Is swimming bad for your skin?

It need not be bad for the skin, since we advise you to take a freshwater shower as soon as you are out of the swimming pool.

If you let the chlorine stay on your skin too long, it will strip away the natural oil that protects the skin. Chlorine also affects blonde hair, so rinse yourself immediately after swimming.

Will swimming get rid of love handles?

What swimming does is that it helps the body burn fat in its entirety. You cannot target the love handles specifically, but you will enjoy the overall weight loss.

You can engage in various exercises to tone your body after losing weight. If you have love handles, here are good swimsuits to cover up.

Does swimming tone your legs?

The legs and the hands do all the donkey work when you are swimming. That is why it tones the legs so well and gives you incredible cardio. All the muscle groups in the upper and lower limbs get a high-quality tone.

What is a swimmer’s body?

This body stands out because it is larger on the shoulders, and then it tapers towards the waist. The body might then have a slight bulge at the hips. The muscles are also more toned and tight.

What does swimming do to the female body?

Swimming has many benefits for the female body. It makes the muscles stronger, gives a more prominent butt, and it gives the best cardio, which enhances heart and lung health. Just stay consistent, and you can even swim when you are on your period. Just wear a tampon.

Final Thoughts: Body changes before and after swimming

Swimming is one of the most incredible cardio workouts for your heart and lungs. Once you start swimming consistently, your circulatory health will never be the same again.

But above all things, you will enjoy so many positive changes in your body. From well-toned muscles to overall fat loss, taking a dip in the pool is incredible.

The key thing is to stay as consistent as possible so that you can see results faster. You can also keep making your swims longer, harder, and faster for better results.

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