image of how to learn swimming by yourself

How To Learn How To Swim On Your Own

Would you like to know how to learn swimming by yourself? The good thing is that no matter how old you are, it is never too late to learn how to swim.

Before you can start teaching yourself how to swim, you have to prepare amply. At the same time, please note that it is much better to learn how to swim with a tutor.

However, just because they have missed a few days of training does not mean you have to miss your training.

Benefits of learning how to swim

how to learn swimming by yourself

There are many benefits of learning how to swim.

First, swimming, like rowing, gives killer cardio. It is very good for your heart rate, lungs and general circulatory health.

Secondly, once you have learned how to swim in the pool, you can also learn how to swim in the ocean. Actually, swimming is one and the same, so when you know how to swim in the pool, you can practically swim anywhere.

Of course, when swimming in a lake or an ocean, you will have to consider the currents and other factors. However, it all starts with what you learn in the pool.

Thirdly, when you swim frequently, you will not only tone your legs and arm muscles, but you will also do a great job with your ab muscles.

Believe it or not, while swimming may seem as if it involves the legs only, every core muscle in your body is involved. That is why people who love swimming have great bodies!

Another benefit is that you can swim with your children. There is no way that you are gonna stay by the poolside when the cute little buggers are having the time of their life in the water. Swimming is a sport that you can enjoy with your whole family.

Really, can you learn swimming on your own?

Indeed, you can. However, it will be much slower than when you use a trainer. Once you set your mind on something, you will be surprised how much you can achieve by your own just by sheer will power.

Now, the good news is that you may never need a trainer. What with all videos and resources on the internet to help you learn how to swim on your own.

Please note that we are not saying you should not have a swimming trainer. No, what we are saying is that in case you do not have one, you can learn everything about swimming on your own.

In the upcoming sections, we shall look at the most important things to bear in mind when on a quest on how to learn to swim by yourself.

Vital Tips for how to learn swimming by yourself

Learning to swim by yourself

Learning to swim by yourself is not going to be easy, but it will save you time and money. Maybe you even have a pool at home and you want to learn how to swim by yourself in your own free time, without having to go by another person’s schedule.

Here is how to go about it:

1. Safety first – Start in the shallow end of the pool

You shall always swim in the shallow end of the pool. Even when you have a swimming instructor, they will start you off in the shallow end of the pool. There is a reason for this, and that reason is safety.

Having said that, may we also say that you should never teach yourself how to swim in the lake, in the river or in the ocean.

Learn to swim in the pool because then you can see through the water to the bottom. You can also get to safety if you feel overwhelmed.

Inside the pool, apart from the currents that you create with your strokes, there are no other currents to worry about. It is safest to teach yourself how to swim in a saltwater or chlorinated pool.

2. Do not learn how to swim by yourself in open water

learn how to swim by yourself in open water

Don’t start to learn how to swim by yourself in the creek, river, lake or the sea. In open water, the currents are super strong, and they can pull a fast one on you easily.

Even if you have someone watching over you, do not learn how to swim in the ocean before you have learned how to swim in the pool.

3. Start with the bare basics

Start with the simplest tasks, such as how to float on water. If you are really afraid of water, you will have to take it real slow.

For instance, you can start by familiarizing yourself with the water. Get the feet in first when sitting at the edge of the pool, go in deeper and deeper, but on the first trial, stay thigh-deep.

In another article, we talked about how to stop a toddler from drinking pool water. This is something that you too need to learn.

Duck your head into the water with your fingers pinching your nose, get used to the feel of the water on your face, ears and eyes.

Repeat this until you can hold your breath well underwater.

4. Wear the right swimming gear

Wear the right swimming gear

You do not want to pop into the pool in your cotton underwear or your cargo shorts. Once they are waterlogged, they will inhibit your movement in the water.

The right swimming attire for men or women enhances your flexibility in the water. It also does not create drag, so you will be able to swim faster.

Get the best swimming trunks, shorts, and most importantly, get swimming goggles. These will keep the water out of your eyes so you can see better.

If you do not have swimming gear, you can check on There, you will find a lot of variety for adults as well as kids. Good thing with swim gear is that it lasts a long time.

5. Break complex movements into single components for practice

In swimming, there are simple and complex movements, or what we call swimming strokes. Basically, you make strokes with your legs and arms.

What we mean here is, start by mastering one movement completely before you can move on to another. That way, you will build on your skills rather than trying to learn everything altogether.

At the same time, if you feel you need to use a floater or some other swimming aid, do not worry. Go ahead and use one.

After all, it is better to be safe than sorry. As you learn how to hold your weight in the water, you can discard the aids.

6. Learn to inhale and exhale and make complete strokes

Learning how to swim by yourself entails many things, but one of them is learning how to breathe in and out. You will practice inhaling and exhaling through the mouth.

Just stand with your back to the wall, inhale deeply and stretch your hands and bend until your face is in the water, with the water at your ear line.

Now turn your face to one side and exhale. Repeat this a few times until it starts to feel easier.

Stand with your back to the wall of the pool. Stretch your hands forward, fingers together and palms facing downward.

Bend down slowly in that posture until your palms touch the water. Continue bending until your face is in the water.

When your face is in the water, pull one hand downward and make a semi-circle move in the water with the arm.

Pull the arm until it makes a complete circle before returning it to your side. Turn your face to one side and draw a breath through your mouth.

Repeat this motion with your other arm. Do it until you can make complete strokes with both arms without lifting your face from the water.

7. Learning how to kick

After mastering the arm stroke, it is time to learn how to kick without making splashes. Just hold the ledge of the swimming pool, stretch your arms and legs fully until your body forms a straight line.

Start kicking with your legs, from the hips, and repeat until you can kick with the least splash possible. So, your upper body will not be moving but underneath, you will be kicking with a lot of strength.

8. Don’t swim alone!

I know … this post is all about learning how to swim by yourself. However, you should never swim alone! Well, while no one needs to be in the pool, there should be someone in the house.

According to the CDC, about 11 people die daily in the USA, by drowning. If you are a total newbie, you might want to have someone in the house constantly checking on you.

Even in some resorts, you will find severe warnings about swimming alone. You had best obey such regulations even when you have some skill.

9. Don’t be afraid to wear PFD for swimming

wear PFD for swimming

PFD stands for personal flotation device, something that you can wear on your person to help you float. They come in many designs and types too.

For instance, there are the buoyancy belts and the life jackets. They are designed to keep you afloat on the water.

In the first few days or weeks, swim with a PFD on your person. You can then slowly wean yourself out of it.

Besides, these devices make you feel safe, so they boost your confidence. This is going to help you learn faster.

How to learn swimming by yourself YouTube

If you would like to know how to learn swimming by yourself on YouTube, you will find all the help you need first.

Many swimming trainers with certification have created awesome videos to help you learn swimming in your own pool, alone.

Make use of these videos. That’s why they are there. Below is one of the best self-training videos for swimming.

Please note: If you can afford a trainer, please get one. If you can get private swimming lessons, even better, because you will master the skills faster.

Another thing … it does not matter how old you are, you can learn to swim. Swimming does not have an age limit.

Read our other articles:

Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection?

Does water go inside you when you swim?

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How long does it take to learn swimming?

Well, who can say for sure?

It all depends on you! The more you practice, the better. How to learn to swim by yourself is not too hard, but if you are not consistent, you will not master the skill completely. Practice swimming a few times a week at least.

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