Image of how to swim underwater without holding your nose

How Can I Swim Underwater without Covering My Nose?

Would you like to know how to swim underwater without holding your nose? It would be cool to be able to jump into the water without holding your nose.

In another article, we asked: does water get inside you when you swim? Well, by this, we meant to ask whether, as a woman, water can get inside your private parts when you swim.

But it could also mean whether water can get inside you through the nose, mouth, or ears. Well, it will get in through the nose, and that is dangerous since it can cause drowning.

But with practice, you can dive and prevent water from getting inside your nose without clinching it between your fingers.

Should you plug your nose when you jump into the water?

There is no reason for this because when you inhale and hold your breath, the air stays inside the lungs and cannot escape.

Because of the air trapped in your nose, there is no vacuum for the water to occupy. Therefore, you are safe from water going into your lungs.

Some people also ask: Is it bad to get water up your nose? Well, you do not want that to happen because some water could pass through your lungs.

Also, the amoeba Naegleria fowleri can get into your body and cause primary amebic meningoencephalitis, a very serious brain infection.

How to go underwater without holding your nose

This is not too hard. We would suggest that you start your practice in the bathtub or a basin. With some practice, you will be swimming underwater without holding your nose for several minutes.

Here are the steps that can help you:

Step 1: Practice in the bathtub

First, you need to be as comfortable as possible. Therefore, the best place to start is at home, in your bathtub. Fill the bathtub with warm water, and then get inside.

If you do not have a bathtub, you can also practice in the shallow side of the swimming pool. This is safer, and you can learn faster when you feel safe.

Take a deep breath, and then cup your hands in the water. Now, holding your breath, bend over with your face, and with your face in your water-filled hands, blow out until you can see the bubbles blowing up.

Repeat this many times until you feel comfortable in the water.

Step 2: Try the step above with your hands deeper in the water

If you have managed the above feat with your hands in a few inches of water, you can try it with your cupped hands buried about 3 inches in the water. This pretty much means that the whole of your face, including the eyes, will be submerged.

If you can repeat this several times, it means you are already getting very comfortable exhaling in the water.

Step 3: Submerge the entire head

Take a deep breath and submerge your entire head in the water. See how long you can last in the water, exhaling little by little before you come up for breath.

You can also try holding your breath for about 10 seconds without exhaling. The longer you can hold your breath, the better.

The idea is to keep pushing longer and harder. Try harder to last longer in the water without exhaling. The longer you can do this, the better.

Step 4: How to hold your head underwater in the pool

It is best to practice how to swim underwater without holding your nose when the swimming pool is not too occupied.

After learning how to swim, you can now manage to stay in the water by yourself. Find a quiet spot in the pool and stand with your hands ahead of you, resting on the wall or the railings.

Inhale deeply, hold your breath, and then duck your head in the water. Try to hold your breath for as long as possible.

All this time, your feet have been on the pool floor. You are not buoyant in the water, since buoyancy can interrupt your breathing control pattern.

Once again, the idea here is to hold your breath for as long as possible. If you do not like to dip your head fully in the water, you can start at eye level and then submerge it deeper little by little.

Step 5: Swim underwater and only come up for air

In the steps that we have described above, the idea is to hold your breath for as long as possible without exhaling. Therefore, once you find that you can hold it for 10, 20, or even 30 seconds, you can let it go and come up for air.

Once you know how to go underwater and stay there for a few seconds, do it often. You can now swim freely underwater for as long as you can hold your breath without exhaling.

Swim as long as you can and hold your breath. When you feel the need to come back up for air, get back to the surface.

Image of how to swim without holding your nose

How to swim without getting water in your nose: another method

So much for the bathtub and swimming pool training… but really, how do you get to swim without getting water in your nose?

You could try to scrunch your nose, an action that is going to close your sinuses. However, only do this after breathing in deeply so that you do not feel the urge to open your sinuses again soon.

This could let in water up your nose, and that is what you have been trying to prevent so far.

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That is it for how to swim underwater without holding your nose. This very important technique can help you swim underwater as swiftly as a fish.

Once you have learned how to hold your breath, practice it as often as you can. If you take too long before practicing it again, you could lose the technique.

Once you know how to take a dip without holding your nose, you can dive into the pool with confidence. Remember, knowing how to control your inhalation and exhalation in the water can help you swim longer.

A human being can hold breath underwater for up to 90 seconds without training. Now, if you practice this as often as possible, you will enjoy longer underwater swimming periods.

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