Image of gift ideas for swimmers

What Is the Best Gift for a Swimmer?

There are tens of gift ideas for swimmers. However, it helps to know what your person likes, and what they have been yearning for before you buy them one. That leaves a lasting impression on their mind.

One of the best ways to give a gift that impresses is to find out someone’s hobby. The thing that they love to do when they are free is the thing that they love most. Thus, a gift along those lines never disappoints.

So, what are the best gifts for people who like to swim? It depends on many things. One of them is the gender of the person that you want to gift. Another consideration is their skill level and age!

Keep reading as we see some ideas for gifts for swimmers.

The secret in giving the best gift is to have an idea of the likes and dislikes of the person you are gifting. Since you have already established that the person you want to gift loves to swim, get them presents for swimmers.

Gifts for male swimmers

Male swimmers might be the easiest to gift. You might want to try the following gift ideas for them:

A waterproof camera

Think GoPro Hero in this regard. Their waterproof cameras can take great shots underwater. If the man loves to snorkel with turtles, fish, and other marine life, they will capture incredible underwater shots.

A small waterproof bag for phone and keys

A waterproof case for the smartphone and a waterproof bag for other personal effects can help a lot. It can keep your items dry. It is one of the best gift ideas for swimmers.

Waterproof music player and earphones

For the best gift ideas for competitive swimmers, nothing beats music. When one wants to do extra swimming laps, they will be grateful that they have music to help them along.

Find some of the best waterproof MP3 players and earphones so that your person can enjoy themselves in the water.

A vacuum flask

This is another of the top gifts for people who like to swim. It can keep drinks hot for hours and when you want to carry ice-cold drinks during summer, it will keep them really cold.

Besides, these flasks do not cost much money, but you need to ensure that they are completely leakproof.

A drone

A drone makes a good aerial camera. That is why we include it in this list of gifts for male swimmers.

With automatic functions such as smart follow mode, it can lock onto you as you swim, and follow you from a distance, taking shots and video from all angles.

Just make sure that the drone is waterproof and that it has an automatic return-to-home function. That way, if the battery drains or the signal is disrupted, it will not plunge into the water. It will turn and go back to where it was launched.

A carry bag

Swimmers have to carry a change of clothes, water shoes for swimming, towels and other personal stuff. Thus, a good waterproof carry bag or backpack can come in handy.

Ensure it has extra pockets, meshed pockets, adjustable straps, ventilated back padding, and many more features.

Gift ideas for young swimmers

Finding the best secret Santa gift ideas for swimmers is not too hard either. After teaching a kid how to swim, you want to motivate him or her with gifts from time to time. You need to try the following gifts for young swimmers:

Swim goggles

Swimming goggles are good for young swimmers. One of the biggest struggles for beginner swimmers is having water in the eyes. Thus, a pair of swimming goggles is going to help the children get used to getting their face in the water.


It is possible to get an ear infection from swimming. Again, you do not want your child to have ear problems from the chemicals in the swimming pool.

Also, when people swim, they leave behind different types of bacteria in the water. This can get into your eyes or ears.

Swimming Fins

Get your young swimmer a pair of fins for swimming so that they can have extra kicking power in the water. Using fins will make them cover their laps faster.

Besides, swimming fins make someone float better, so they can invest their energy in swimming.

Swimming fins for any skill level are good. Thus, you can make them part of the gifts for young swimmers, whether they are just starting out in their training or they are already skilled.

Personal flotation device

Read this as a swimming vest. Most children struggle with staying afloat in the water. Thus, if you are looking for secret Santa gift ideas for swimmers, a vest is a good idea, so sneak it inside the package during Christmas.

You might also get the child a swim belt. It can help your child stay afloat without struggle. A flotation belt can also help seniors learn how to swim, since they will float in the water better.

Gifts for competitive swimmers

What are some of the best gifts for competitive swimmers? There are many! Try some of the following:

Aquatic Dumbbells

Every competitive swimmer needs to build their strength. Since the arms and legs will do most of the work, aquatic workout aids can help.

For instance, you might consider getting a person aquatic dumbbells such as Trademark Innovations Aquatic Exercise Dumbbells, which you can buy on

Among other things, these help to work out the upper body, the abs, and the back. They are made of EVA foam, so they absorb very little water and float easily.

Image of gift ideas for competitive swimmers

High-quality goggles

When you are buying gifts for swimmers on Amazon, you need to make them of high quality if they are for a professional swimmer.

Thus, pick through the swimming goggles available in the market to get the best. It is also going to cost you more money than regular gifts, but it will be worth it.

Some drags for the feet

A competitive swimmer does not swim; he or she works out! Consider getting him or her some aspect of the gym. For instance, drag weights for swimming really help to build leg power.

One of the most popular weight bags for swimming is called DragSox. You can buy them on Or you could just search for DragSox amazon on Google.

DragSox increase your resistance in the water, thus making you work harder. This can help when you are preparing for a swimming competition.

Now, imagine what a pair of these weights can make a competitive swimmer feel!

A swimming snorkel

With a swimming snorkel, a competitive swimmer can get their face fully in the water without worrying and concentrate on their kicking action.

Having to breathe in and out while the nose is underwater is such a struggle for most people. It can lead to serious muscle imbalances in the neck and shoulders because of tilting the head to one side always.

A swimming snorkel operates on the same principle as a snorkeling snorkel. It protrudes well above the water, and so when you bite on it, you can inhale really well.

Waterproof MP3 player

This, plus waterproof earphones, are some of the top Christmas gifts for swimmers. Nothing is as motivating as swimming to your favorite beat.

A competitive swimmer needs their music beating in their ears when they are training. With weights on their legs and staring at many laps of training, the music will really help a lot.

Stretch cords with paddles

These are special training stretch cords for swimmers. They are designed as paddles at the end to help you simulate swimming strokes anywhere, on dry land.

You can attach the cords anywhere and use them for practice. That way, you don’t have to wait until you get to the swimming pool to train.

Proper elbow action is very important when swimming. These cords are going to help you in that regard. They can also strengthen your arms.

You can order the best stretch cords on

Gift Ideas for female swimmers

Since we discussed a few gift ideas for male swimmers, it is only fair we discuss a few gifts for female swimmers. Here they are:

Waterproof mascara

Imagine buying mascara that does not run even when exposed to water. This is one of the best gifts for female swimmers.

Chlorine remover

Swimming pool water has chlorine. While it has no serious effect on your hair, you still do not want it to stay too long in your hair. Thus, a spray that can remove chlorine from your hair is one of the cool gifts for swimmers.

Shampoo and Lotion

Most people swim during the summer when it is already too hot. Thus, a woman really needs shampoo and lotions that can protect the hair when swimming and her skin from exposure.

Image of christmas gifts for swimmers

Ensure the skin lotion contains sunscreen to protect your skin against UV rays. You could also add a tube or two of the best sunscreen for swimming.

Funky swimwear

Try getting a woman one of the funny gifts for swimmers, you know, such as colorful swimwear. A nice set of swimming attire gives a woman confidence on the beach or on the pool deck.

You can also throw in a good-looking towel and some deck shoes.

Basically, there is no end to the best presents for swimmers. If you want to impress a swimmer, get one or a few items that we have discussed here.


After reading this short post, you will find it easy to choose the best gifts for people who like to swim. The good thing is that apart from the lotions, shampoos, and chlorine removers, the rest are things that can really last a long time.

If the person that you want to gift has hinted at a few things that they would like, take the hint and get them just that.

Again, you don’t have to wait until Christmas to get them the top gifts for swimmers. It can be on your anniversary, on their birthday, or another occasion.

There are also senior gift ideas for swimmers to try out. Basically, this write-up does not leave anyone out.

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