Image of Can you swim with a menstrual cup

Super Helpful Tips for Swimming with a Menstrual Cup

If you are one of the millions of women who have embraced this new and incredible method of managing your menstrual health, you could be asking: Can you swim with a menstrual cup?

According to the Globe News Wire, the menstrual cup market is projected to grow to $636 million by 2021. From $406 million in 2019, this is quite a growth.

It means that many women in the world are accepting this more robust, more hygienic, and better way of managing their menstrual health.

We are not here to crunch numbers either. We want to find out whether you can do Diva Cup swimming. In another article, we saw that you could swim on your period with tampons.

So, is it possible to go swimming with a menstrual cup? A menstrual cup creates a very effective barrier between the blood coming from your uterus and the water. When inserted, the opening of the vagina stays closed, so no water will get inside.

If you would rather use a tampon, it can sit high inside your vagina. That way, the front part of your vagina stays closed and water does not get in. It is best to change the tampon once you get out of the swimming pool.

Keep reading as we delve into more details on this topic.

Tips for Swimming with Menstrual Cup

When you wear a menstrual cup, it sits well inside you, and it creates a seal so that menstrual flow cannot get outside and mix with water. Also, water cannot get into the cup.

Here are a few tips that might help you enjoy swimming with a cup:

1. Get comfortable wearing the period cup

So, you have your Diva cup for swimming, but this is your first time wearing one. Of course, you are a bit apprehensive about it.

For instance, you are thinking that jumping in the swimming pool can dislodge the cup and send it popping out of your vajayjay.

Relax! Nothing of the sort is going to happen. When you get comfortable wearing the cup, you will agree that it is a safer option than having to deal with wings and tampon strings.

You can even run with the cup inside you. It will not dislodge. There will also be no leakage!

2. Empty the cup before getting into the pool

Before you can take the dip, go to the bathroom and check how much flow is already in your swimming menstrual cup.

Empty it and put it back on. If you are the heavy-flow kind of person, emptying the cup before you take a dip is going to give you enough time to swim.

If you are having a pool party, you want to have as much time in the water as possible. Emptying your cup before getting to the party will give you more than enough time to enjoy it before you have to empty it again.

3. Get a recommended menstrual cup for swimming

There are so many brands of menstrual cups on the market today. However, not all of them are good for swimming.

When it comes to such a serious matter, you should get a cup recommended for swimming. The difference is in the way that the cup seals when you place it under your cervix.

The Venus Menstrual Cup is popular with women all over the world. But then, so is the Diva Cup for swimming. Variety is good, so you should check out a few of them before making up your mind.

If you already have a preferred brand, you can continue using that. There is no need to switch over to a new one. Just get something that works for you.

Also, when you are buying one, you need to know your needs. If you experience a heavy flow, you should get a cup that is designed to handle that.

There are also cups for medium and light flows. There is a menstrual cup for just about every woman.

4. Do not stay extra long in the swimming pool

A menstrual cup has capacity. However, sometimes, you cannot be sure how taking a swim in cold water is going to affect your body.

For instance, does swimming in cold water stop your period? Many women have said that taking a plunge in cold water stops their period.

However, an article on shows us that the period does not stop. Rather, the difference in external and internal pressure seems to stop the flow, but your uterus continues to shed.

Also, when you are floating in deep water, the gravity pull reduces somehow, so the blood flow is interrupted.

When wearing a menstrual cup for swimming, check things out as often as you would when working in the office.

This is especially important when you are at a pool party, which might extend for hours. Take bathroom breaks.

A Menstrual Cup for Swimming is Better than a Tampon


Hands down, a menstrual cup is better than a tampon for swimming. But first, most women ask whether they can swim when menstruating.

And the answer is a resounding yes! In fact, it is recommended. When you work out on your period, it boots your mood. Exercise releases feel-good hormones in your system, which help to lower the stress hormones. You feel happier!

Gone are the days when menstruation was considered taboo. Well, it still is in many developing countries but with time, many are accepting it as a natural process.

With proper management, you do not have to stay out of the fun just because you are on your period. With a menstrual cup, you can swim even in the ocean.

Just be sure to choose the best menstrual cup for swimming.

Image of can you wear menstrual cups while swimming

While both the tampon and menstrual cup are good for swimming on your period, there is always a risk that the tampon can absorb water. The cup is a sure bet. It contains your menstrual flow 100 percent.

Can You Swim With A Menstrual Cup FAQ

Can you wear menstrual cups while swimming? You have already seen that it is better than tampons. But still, you might have some doubts.

Here are the frequently asked questions to help make this topic clearer:

Are tampons or menstrual cups better for swimming?

Both are good, but the menstrual cup is better than the tampons. Pads and panty liners are not good because they can leak into the water. So wear a cup since it is leakproof when it comes to containing menstrual flow.

Can I go to the ocean on my period?

You can swim in the ocean during your period. In fact, some women ask whether they can free bleed in the ocean. If that is your wish, go for it, but it is not a good idea.

You should wear a tampon or a menstrual cup. However, it is best to swim in an area that is free of sharks because they can smell blood from a long distance away.

Can you get toxic shock syndrome from a menstrual cup?

Young women using tampons might experience toxic shock syndrome, where bacteria enter the body and release toxins. Although this condition is rare in tampon use and even rarer in menstrual cup use, it can still happen.

Do menstrual cups leak when swimming?

When you wear this cup, it creates a sort of seal that prevents water from getting into the cup and blood from the cup from leaking to the outside. These cups cannot leak when you swim, since they hold more menstrual discharge than tampons.

What do swimmers do on their period?

They swim, which can help to relieve cramps and improve the mood as it releases the feel-good hormones. However, to avoid making a mess in the water, they wear tampons or menstrual cups.

Can sharks smell period blood?

Sharks can smell anything in the water, including urine and more so blood. Thus, it is best not to free-bleed when swimming in the ocean because the blood can attract sharks. It is best to swim with a menstrual cup to keep all the menstrual flow intact.

The Key Takeaway

Can you swim with a menstrual cup and not make a mess in the swimming pool? The cup is your best bet.

A tampon works in the water, but it has a small risk of leaking, especially for women who experience a heavy flow.

The cup on the other hand contains the blood very well and does not leak. Thus, you can never make a mess.

You can buy Lena Menstrual Cup – Reusable Period Cup – Tampon and Pad Alternative – Light to Heavy Flow on

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