Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection

Why It’s Perfectly Fine To Swim With BV

Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection? Believe it or not, this is one of the most asked questions on the internet.

And why not, seeing as recurrent yeast infections affect close to 200 million women in the world every year?

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to take the place of a physician’s advice. It is only intended to inform. If you have a yeast infection, please see a doctor.

To give you a better explanation of swimming with a yeast infection, watch the video below:

If you are a victim, you will ask whether you can go to swim in the ocean if you have a yeast infection.

A summer yeast infection can really put you down. This is when everyone is going to the beach, and yet there you are, with your lady suffering.

But is there a chance? Can you go swimming with a yeast infection? Keep reading, and let us find out together.

Don’t fear: Go and swim

Image of swimming in the ocean with yeast infection

Another question that you might ask regarding this is: does salt water help yeast infections? Well, you can use salt water when you have a yeast infection because it helps.

You can dip a small, clean towel in warm salt water and wipe the infected area. That can help hasten healing from this nasty infection.

Therefore, considering that seawater is salty, it might help with your infection. Even if it doesn’t, we can say that swimming in the ocean with a yeast infection is okay.

It will not make your problem worse. However, this does not mean that you shouldn’t take a few precautions.

If the yeast infection is too itchy, do not swim with it. Saltwater will make it itchy. You could also ask your doctor whether it is alright to go swimming when you have a yeast infection.

Another good thing is that you will never collect yeast infections from the ocean water. The reason for this is that the water is constantly flowing over your private parts. Even if there could be bacteria that cause yeast in the water, it passes over your lady.

Can a wet bathing suit cause BV?

Image of can you swim if you have yeast infection

Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection with a bathing suit? This is another common question, considering that you will be swimming in your swimming suit.

And it is easy to understand where these women are coming from. Their main concern is that since yeast thrives in warm and moist conditions, wearing a bathing suit can make such an environment possible.

But the answer is: not really. Okay, wearing a swimming suit for extended periods outside the water can create the right environment for a yeast infection.

Thus, to avoid yeast infection from your wet bathing suit, just carry a change of dry clothes. When you get out of the pool or the ocean, take a shower with fresh water, dry your lady thoroughly, and then wear dry clothes.

It is also best to wear the recommended type of underwear so that you don’t make the condition worse. Remember, you have to know how to shower with a yeast infection.

Even if the vagina can balance its pH, it only does that in normal and dry conditions. When you are wearing a drenched swimsuit for too long, the balancing act of the vagina goes off.

If you do not have a yeast infection, a bathing suit is not really going to give you an infection. Therefore, it does not matter how long you spend on it.

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Will swimming cause irritation?

If there is any sort of wound on your skin or flesh, swimming or exposing such a wound to salt water is going to irritate you. You might feel pain.

Even swimming in the pool with a yeast infection can irritate it if you are exposed for too long.

The chlorine in the water will cause irritation. However, this will only happen if you stay too long in the pool. Remember, when you want to soothe your infection, it is best to bathe in cold water.

When you get out of the swimming pool, remember to rinse away any traces of chlorine. If you leave chlorinated water in your private parts for too long, you will experience this irritation.

Can you go swimming while under treatment of BV?

Image of can you swim while on treatment for yeast infection

Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection? If you are already treating a yeast infection, perhaps it is best not to swim, or you can swim since no harm will come to you.

Water does not go inside you when you swim. Therefore, even if you applied cream inside, there is no risk of the water washing it away.

Some people experience more itchiness when infected than others. If this is you, you might want to avoid swimming. Swimming demands you wear the right swimming attire, and it is not made of natural fibers.

Natural fibers like cotton soak up water, and they ride up against your crotch. This will cause more irritation to your sick parts.

If you are experiencing slight irritation and itching, you can swim. If it is too much, you can swim another time.

Does chlorine help?

Chlorine upsets the pH balance of your vaginal cavity. Also, chlorine is used in swimming pools to kill bacteria and germs.

However, in the human body, there are so many bacteria, and most of them are good. If you expose them to chlorine, it will kill all of them. Good bacteria keep your body healthy. If they die, they will leave room for the bad bacteria to thrive.

Can you swim with thrush?

Of course, you can. Thrush is a form of fungal yeast infection that affects women and men. Women will know they have thrush if they:

  • See a whitish discharge
  • Experience irritation around the private parts
  • Experience pain when they are peeing

Men know they have thrush when they

  • See redness around the penile head
  • Experience irritation when peeing
  • Whitish discharge
  • Irritation and burning sensations under the foreskin

It is okay to swim with thrush. But it will depend on the level of infection. For instance, if you have lesions on your private parts, the chlorine in the pool or the salt in the ocean is going to cause serious irritation.

Also, for women, the thrush infection might feel a bit more invasive, especially when they swim with periods. If you just don’t feel that it’s right to swim, don’t swim.

Thrush is not contagious, so you can also swim in a public swimming pool. This infection can only be passed to other people through sexual contact.

How do you prevent thrush when swimming?

How do you prevent thrush when swimming

The chlorine from shocking the pool or maintaining it can cause a pH imbalance in the private parts of a woman.

It also causes an imbalance of bacteria in the private parts.

It is such things that make the fungi that cause thrush to thrive!

To prevent this, it’s advisable to get out of the wet swimsuit as soon as you are done swimming. Clean up with fresh water and dry your body thoroughly with a cotton towel.

It is also important to avoid wearing outfits that can cause sweating down there, at least until the thrush is completely gone.

You also need to follow other instructions for preventing yeast infection, as outlined in this article on tips to prevent thrush infection when swimming.

Generally, excessive moisture in the groin area is discouraged because, when water gets inside, it can cause all sorts of imbalances.

Even if you were swimming with a wetsuit, get out of it as soon as you are out of the water, clean up, and wear dry clothes.

Precautions to take when swimming

Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection? Yes, we have already said you can. Now, You need to take certain precautions when swimming in the ocean with a yeast infection. Of course, ocean water is dirtier than fresh water. Thus, you have to take more precautions when swimming.

Make sure that you choose the cleanest part of the ocean to swim in when you have a yeast infection. This does not mean going to Iceland or Antarctica.

It means choosing a spot that has no sewage or any kind of industrial waste getting in. Also, clean up as fast as possible when you get out of the water, taking care to dry the vaginal area thoroughly.

If you are not sure about the condition of the ocean, it is better not to swim. You can always swim in your own swimming pool if you are sure it is clean.


Other questions that people ask is: Can you swim in the ocean with a yeast infection? Is ocean water good for yeast infections, and if yes, what precautions do you need to take when swimming in the sea?

As you have seen here, bacterial vaginosis is not easily spread from one person to another through the water. However, do not share bath water with a person who has a yeast infection. There is always a slight chance of such a thing happening.

Take precautions and swim in clean water, be it in the pool or in the ocean. Also, clean up and rinse after getting out of the water, and dry your genital area thoroughly.

If you don’t feel confident about swimming with BV, avoid it.

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