Image of Can swimming help with period cramps

Should I Swim with Period Cramps, and will it Help Ease Them?

Can swimming help with period cramps?

Swimming during your period can relieve cramps, just as other exercises can. But you should only swim if you feel comfortable and have a tampon or menstrual cup. 

In some cases, people ask whether you can swim when you are on your period, with some wondering loudly whether it will make a mess.

But heck yeah! You can swim when you are on your period. You can wear a tampon to swim on your period.

You can also swim while pregnant. What is to stop you? Swimming is one of the simplest exercises. It gives awesome cardio, which you also need whether you are menstruating or not.

One of the things that most women fear is that water can get inside their vagina when they swim. But this is not the case!

You can see our article on: can water go inside you when you swim?

Will swimming help with period cramps?

Swimming is good for period cramps. If you have particularly painful cramps, you know, the type that always refuses to respond to painkillers – you might want to try something different.

When you swim, your body is tricked into releasing feel-good hormones, also called endorphins, that help your body cover up pain.

Of course, pain will feel nasty, and at the same time, joy at this time of the month is something you don’t have on your platter.

So we have established that you can swim during your period and enjoy relief from your cramps.

Some people also ask whether you can swim in the ocean on your period.

Well, we don’t see why not!

If it is about the fear of the sharks attacking you because they are drawn to the blood, well, it is partly true and false.

First, sharks don’t really care how they get their grub. Whether you are a man, child, or woman, on your period or not, they will attack you. That is why you should never swim in shark-infested waters!

Are sharks drawn to blood? Definitely, and they will come swarming. But they might not be drawn to your period blood, for some reason.

Firstly, this blood is too little. Secondly, it is not just blood; it is a mix of mucus, vaginal discharge, and blood. Thus, it will not even smell like blood.

What you might feel when you swim on your period

Well, swimming will definitely not make your period cramps worse. If anything, it is going to make them better.

But it is best to know what you might experience when you swim during your period. Here are a few things:

You might get tired faster than usual because of low energy levels. Most women experience low energy levels when they are on their period.

While swimming is good for period cramps, it does not mean it will work immediately. Thus, if you do not feel relief from your cramps straightaway, you need not worry.

Also, if you take some medication for cramps, you should not stop just because swimming will help.

Is there a chance that swimming will make your cramps worse? Well, not really. It is going to help you with the pain.

Swimming gives you high-quality cardio workout, so you still get to improve your circulatory health and your heart rate.

Image of can you swim on your period

Frequently Asked Questions for Swimming on Your Period

Can swimming help with period cramps, and what are the other things that you need to know about it? Unfortunately, in the 21st Century, many women are still apprehensive about stepping into the pool on their period.

It is little wonder that there are so many frequently asked questions about swimming while on your period. Here are a few of them:

Does swimming make your period worse?

No, it will not. Will swimming make your flow heavier? It will not. But at the same time, you should not get into the swimming pool without a tampon, period cup, or other protection, especially if you are using a public swimming pool.

Is it OK to go swimming during your period?

It is definitely okay to go swimming when you are on your period. It can also help make your cramps a bit easier. When you gear up with your tampons or menstrual cup, you can swim no matter how heavy your flow is.

Can I go swimming on my period without anything?

Yes you can if you experience a light flow. But it would be better to swim in your own swimming pool. The cold water will even help to stop the flow for some time. However, if you cough or laugh, the flow could restart, and some blood could come out.

What do female swimmers do on their period?

They do whatever other women do when they are on their period. For instance, they use a menstruation cup because it goes deeper into their vagina. They can also use a tampon to absorb the flow. Dark swimming attire is also recommended, just in case of a leak.

Will swimming worsen my cramps?

Because swimming is an active exercise, you might think that it will do a number on your lower back. However, when you are experiencing cramps, any form of workout, including swimming, helps with the pain. So, swimming does not aggravate cramps.

Will your period stop when you are in the water?

When you suddenly immerse yourself in cold water, the flow could stop. Remember when we discussed cold water shock?

But the stop will only be temporary because a cough can bring the blood back. Thus, do not swim on your period without gearing up properly, either by using a tampon or a menstrual cup.

When should you avoid swimming during your period?

If you do not feel comfortable swimming during your period, just avoid it. If you experience really low energy levels when you are on your period, it is best to refrain from swimming. However, relaxing on the beach or poolside is okay.


Can swimming help with period cramps? It helps a great deal. This is one of the most recommended workouts to relieve period issues.

However, it would be best if you did not swim without a tampon or a menstrual cup. You should also wear dark clothing just in case you have an accident.

Overall, if you are a swimmer, just stay in your rhythm. Menstruation should not prevent you from enjoying your time in the water.

But it is also wise to listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable about swimming at that time of the month, don’t do it.

If you feel too tired, stay out of the pool. Pool time when aunt red is in town is only for people who feel very comfortable with themselves.

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