Image of can I snorkel without knowing how to swim

Can You Go Snorkeling If You Can’t Swim? Keep To The Shallows

Snorkeling and swimming are related because both of them are surface-water sports.

Snorkeling is more about floating on the water’s surface and viewing the marine life swimming under and around you. Swimming is more or less the same, only that you don’t put your face underwater, hence no need to wear a face mask.

In that light, people ask; Can I snorkel without knowing how to swim?

Or you might ask…

Can non-swimmers enjoy snorkeling? You can enjoy snorkeling if you do not know how to swim. But you should only snorkel in the shallow waters and wear personal flotation devices for safety. However, make sure you have someone watching you if you do not know how to swim.

All water sports, including those you enjoy on vessels such as canoeing, kayaking, windsurfing, stand-up paddleboarding, and others, are best enjoyed by swimmers.

Therefore, here, we would encourage you to learn how to swim, if only for a few hours, and then take up snorkeling. Knowing how to swim can save your life several times.

But if you would like to try snorkeling without knowing how to swim, here are a few tips that you should follow:

Do you have to be a good swimmer to snorkel? No, just prepare

Do you have to be a good swimmer to snorkel

If you have decided that you can snorkel without being a good swimmer, you need to really get ready for the experience.

You might have to do more research than a person who is a good swimmer. Remember, your first objective is to stay safe in the water, no matter what!

Here are a few things that can help you know that you are safe when you snorkel without knowing how to swim:

Gear up properly

This is the first thing that you need to keep in mind. If you cannot swim, you will need to gear up much more than a person who can swim.

For instance, it is not common practice to snorkel while wearing a life jacket. But if you cannot swim, a personal flotation device is very important.

You can also wear other flotation devices such as a vest or arm floaties. You want to be able to move in water with your face in the water. Thus, you do not want to worry about sinking.

Also, get other relevant snorkeling gear, such as a full-face snorkeling mask, snorkeling shoes, a wetsuit, and any other item you feel is important.

You can also invest in a good underwater camera. It will help you document some of the underwater action. As you snorkel with turtles and dolphins, you definitely want some of that action on camera.

Have an experienced swimmer watch you

This is very important. If you have been asking, Can I snorkel without knowing how to swim? The answer is yes, you can. But never alone!

You can enjoy snorkeling in the lake, in the ocean, or in other open water. When you are in open water, the tides and currents can be very unpredictable.

Since you do not have swimming skills to fight a current, it can carry you out to the open water since you will just be floating a long distance.

For your safety, be in the company of an experienced swimmer. That way, if anything untoward happens, they can get you back to safety.

Know the best time to snorkel when you can’t swim

You should snorkel when the waters are at their calmest. Since you cannot swim, you can only float. Thus, you want to avoid any turbulence.

You also want to catch the water when it is at its clearest. When you go snorkeling, you mostly want to see things underwater. It could be fish, marine plants, and other species on coral reefs.

Thus, it only makes sense to snorkel when the water is quite clear. This is usually when the water is at its calmest.

When the water is calm, you might also be tempted to learn how to swim. Since you have a flotation device on your person and you know that you cannot sink, you can try swimming. You might actually find that you can learn how to swim on your own while snorkeling.

Certainly, even if you know how to swim, you cannot go snorkeling at night, at dusk, or at dawn when the lighting is not good.

Snorkeling in the mid-morning to mid-afternoon hours is best because, at such a time, the water is clear. During noon, there is a lot of light getting to the water. Thus, you can see marine life and plants in a spectacular display.

Snorkel in the shallow waters only

It is very tempting to go to a snorkeling point that is deep in the ocean. However, resist that temptation. You need to stay in the shallow waters.

When you are in shallow water, you can see the bottom of the ocean. That gives you courage and confidence. Also, you can see the shore not too far away. Therefore, in your mind, you are not too worried about safety.

Learn the basics of snorkeling

Okay, we agree that you might not know how to swim. However, you should at least find out the basics of snorkeling. Don’t be the guy who doesn’t know anything.

When you are learning how to snorkel, you will find out how the gear works. You will also find out how to wear, get off, and even clean your gear.

To enjoy the experience, you will definitely need to know how to kick your legs so that you can move from one position to the next.

But you need not worry about using your arms too much. Also, when you are a beginner, use a full-face snorkel mask as opposed to a half-face one. Biting the snorkel in your mouth can be a bit disconcerting for a snorkeling beginner.

One of the best ways to learn about snorkeling is to watch a video on YouTube. Here is an educational video that shows you the bare basics of snorkeling for a beginner.

Another thing that can help you snorkel when you can’t swim is to try out in the swimming pool. Snorkeling is basically about floating and kicking your legs with minimal force to propel you into the water.

Thus, the more you know about floating in a pool before you go to open water, the better.

What dream of swimming in the ocean means

What dream of swimming underwater means


Do you have to know how to swim to snorkel? Not really, but being a swimmer helps you go snorkeling alone without bringing a watcher along.

In another article, we saw that you should learn how to swim for survival. It is so important if you live near a water body.

However, if somehow you are among the millions of people in the USA, UK, Canada, or Australia who never learned to swim in their childhood, you need not refrain from snorkeling.

Do you need to be a good swimmer to snorkel? You don’t even have to be a swimmer at all to enjoy snorkeling, but always have a watcher with you.

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