Where to swim with whale sharks

Even before you ask it, yes, whale sharks are very gentle creatures despite their humongous size. You see, they feed on plankton, so they hardly attack humans. Now, with that in mind, where can you swim with whale sharks?

It depends on where you are in the world. If you are wondering where to swim with whale sharks in the USA, there are many places. The same applies for Canada, England and many other places. But Australia seems to be the best places of all to swim with these giant fish.

So where is the best place to swim with whale sharks? You can swim with these giants in the USA in the open sea or in aquariums, in the Caribbean, in Africa, in Mexico, in the Philippines and in Australia. You will be spoilt for choice.

In another article, we looked at different places in Hawaii where you can swim with turtles. Of course, after you have learned how to swim in open water, you will start yearning to swim with different marine animals.

Top Places In the World to Swim With Whale Sharks

Here, we shall look at some of the top places in the world to swim with whale sharks:

Where can you swim with whale sharks in the US?

Georgia Aquarium – Where best can you swim with a 40-foot whale shark if not in a controlled space? And Georgia Aquarium is the biggest of its kind in the US and it is the only aquarium to hold whale sharks in the Western world.

Image of swimming with whale sharks in Georgia Aquarium

Here, you not only get to swim with this huge animal. But you also enjoy wonderful sights of other fish too. You might have to book a swim with whale sharks in advance and you can do that online, on the official website.

Swim with whale sharks Australia

Where can you swim with whale sharks in Australia? This is without doubt the Ningaloo Reef. Western Australia has some of the most incredible wildlife sights. If you ever get down there, you must make sure that you swim with the big population of whale sharks.

Most people ask: What time of year are whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef? Well, from the middle of March to September, you can swim with these giant whales in Ningaloo Reef. That is quite a huge season.

Swim with whale sharks Mexico

Mexico is one of the best places where you can swim with whale sharks. There are a number of places to have this kind of fun. However, Isla Mujeres beats all of them.

Isla Mujeres – There is a lot of plankton off the Isla Holbox so the whale sharks do gather here from time to time to feed. Remember, these whales eat by filtering plankton from the water. Here, you might have to bring your snorkel gear because Isla Mujeres in Mexico is more of a snorkeling than a swimming destination.

Also, note that the entry into the water here is controlled and only two snorkelers can get into the water. This is important to help keep proper distance between people and the animals. It works very well all the time.

La Paz – This is another one of the best destinations for swimming with whales in Mexico. If you happen to be in Mexico during fall or winter, this is a good place for you to catch sight of these whales feeding on plankton.

When you are swimming with the whale sharks here, stay at a safe distance. They are fast swimmers and they are not used to people since they look for their own food.

The good thing is that they come to La Paz in large numbers, which means there will be one for you to see.

Mafia, Tanzania

One of the best things about this small island is its secluded nature. Therefore, it is never crowded. Since it gets a fair share of these wonderful animals, you can catch them between September and March. That’s right – when it is winter in your place, it is warm and the waters are very pleasant in Tanzania.

You had better make this a full-blown holiday to Tanzania. It has a lot more to offer in terms of wildlife, especially the Big Five in Serengeti National Park.

So if you have been asking: where can you swim with whale sharks in Tanzania? Mafia, which is a few miles to the south coast of Tanzania is the place to be.

Where to find whale shark in the Philippines

In the Philippines, you will find whale sharks in Oslob and the good thing is that they are so used to having people around them. The fishermen feed them from time to time, so they are not likely to scamper away if there are people. However, do not go on an unguided snorkeling tour since the waters in the Philippines have some of the most dangerous sharks in the world.

Image of where can you swim with whale sharks in Australia

Where to see whale sharks in Belize

Belize, to be specific, Gladden Spit, is one of the best places where you can catch sight of whale sharks and perhaps even swim with them. If you will be staying in one of the resorts close to the sea, you can get their whale shark snorkeling package to enjoy guided tours among these great animals.

Tofo Beach

Tofo Beach is in sunny Mozambique and there are many whale sharks there. You can snorkel with these animals from October to March and since the weather is good for most part of the year, you can catch sight of the animals almost anytime.

Where to swim with whale sharks FAQ

Swimming with these colossal creatures of the deep is a dream-come-true for many people. Now, you know where to go in Africa, in Asia, in the Americas and in Oceania – Australia to catch sight of these fishies.

Apart from the few places we have highlighted here, there are several more places in the world. Here are some interesting questions that people frequently ask regarding these animals:

Has a whale shark ever eaten a human?

Whale sharks do not eat human beings. In fact, they can never attack human beings. All the same, it is best to keep your distance when interacting with them because a touch from the moving mass of 30 feet can be quite something. That is why you should never swim too close to these animals.

Why is it illegal to touch a whale shark?

The scales on the skin of the whale shark can give you what is called shark burn. In addition, you might remove the protective mucus layer that they have on their skin. That is why it is illegal to touch these animals.

Has anyone been swallowed by a whale?

You mean apart from Jonah of the Bible? Jokes aside, there have been stories of divers who were scooped off the water by whales but there is not one of a person who was completely swallowed. Furthermore, no one would live if a whale swallowed them because there is no oxygen in its stomach.

Are whale sharks safe to swim with?

Yes they are but you should always keep the recommended distance because in many countries, it is criminal to touch these animals. Besides, you do not want tons of weight rubbing against you as the whale swims past you.

Can a human survive inside a whale?

No, you would not. There is plenty of methane gas inside the stomach of the whale, there is no oxygen and the conditions are generally dark and damp. Even if swallowed whole without breaking a bone, you would not survive.

What is the most aggressive shark?

The bull sharks, great white sharks and tiger sharks are the most dangerous in a descending order. These ones are likely to attack animals. According to the National Geographic, the bull sharks are the most dangerous of all species.

Is it OK to swim with whale sharks?

Yes, it is definitely okay to swim and snorkel with whale sharks. However, it is also important to bring a guide along and keep the recommended distance between you and the whales. These whale sharks eat krill, algae, fish eggs and plankton.

What countries can you swim with whale sharks?

Many countries that have a coastline in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania have spots frequented by whale sharks. However, the overall best spot is Western Australia Ningaloo Reef. For indoor swimming with these colossal animals, the Georgia Aquarium is a perfect place to begin looking.

Image of where to swim with whale sharks

How big is a whale shark?

Very big. For instance, an adult whale shark can grow to up to 39 feet and can weigh as heavy as 19,000KG. That is more than three times the weight of the African Bush elephant that weighs 6000 KG in full adulthood.


That is it for where can you swim with whale sharks and have a great time. If you ever get out to Australia, we suggest that you try the Ningaloo Reef. It is a UNESCO Heritage Site, so it is protected. However, everywhere else you go, especially in the tropics, you can find these gentle giants.

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