pool games for adults without equipment

15 Swimming Pool Games For Adults Without Gear

There are tens of pool games for adults without equipment. Why just swim when you can have more fun in the water?

Swimming pool parties and summer fun often go hand-in-hand. While inflatable pool toys and other accessories can add to the experience, they’re not always a necessity.

You can still have an absolute blast with just your friends, family, and some creative thinking!

Explore the 15 fun and exhilarating swimming games that require nothing more than a swimsuit and a willingness to get a little wet.

While you are at it, remember to check my past article on what to bring to a swimming pool party.

15 Fun Pool Games for Adults with No Equipment Needed

Pool Games for Adults with No Equipment Needed

There are so many things to do at a pool party, including games for kids as well as adults. From more than 50 games, I picked these 15 based on their simplicity, and the creativity that they inspire.

Here they are:

1. Marco Polo

This classic game is perfect for groups of all sizes. One person closes their eyes and calls out “Marco!”, while everyone else responds with “Polo!”. The “Marco” caller tries to catch the others by sound and tag them.

If you don’t trust the people you are playing with to keep their eyes closed, blindfold them.

2. Sharks and Minnows

This game brings back childhood memories and keeps everyone moving. Choose one person to be the “shark” who starts in the middle of the pool.

Everyone else is a “minnow” who needs to swim across the pool without getting caught by the shark.

If a minnow is tagged, they become a shark and help catch others. The last minnow remaining wins the game.

You can make it more interesting by rewarding the winners.

3. Underwater Tag

This simple game adds a playful twist to the traditional tag game. Players chase and tag each other, but only while underwater. Hold your breath and strategize your moves while navigating the depths of the pool.

4. Cannonball Contest

Unleash your inner child with a cannonball contest! See who can create the biggest splash with a well-executed jump or dive. Bonus points for creativity and style!

5. Chicken Fight

This lighthearted game involves two pairs of players facing each other in the shallow end. Each pair tries to push the other back using only their shoulders. The pair forced out of the water loses.

6. Synchronized Swimming Challenge

Divide your people into teams and create a short synchronized swimming routine. The other team then tries to mimic your moves, adding their own comedic twists. It is simple enough for anyone to play, and a lot of fun.

7. Underwater Scavenger Hunt

Hide waterproof objects like coins, plastic rings, or colored stones in different areas of the pool. Players will then dive and search for the hidden items, with the one collecting the most within a set time limit winning the game.

8. Pool Volleyball (Modified)

Use your hands instead of a volleyball for an alternative version you can play in the pool. Divide into teams and bump, set, and spike the “water volleyball” over the imaginary net across the pool.

9. Human Knot

Stand in a circle, facing each other. Extend your arms out and randomly grab someone’s hand across the circle with one hand and someone else’s hand next to you with the other. The challenge is to untangle yourselves without letting go of hands.

10. Underwater Obstacle Course

Create an underwater obstacle course using pool noodles, diving rings, and other readily available objects. Players swim through the course, navigating obstacles while holding their breath. Time each other and see who completes the course the fastest.

11. Name That Tune Underwater

One person hums the tune of a popular song underwater while others try to guess the title. The first person to correctly identify the song wins a point. This is more like a whisper challenge.

12. Pool Relay Races

Divide into teams and line up across the pool. Each team member swims back and forth to their end, touching a designated object or teammate before the next person can go. The first team to finish wins the relay.

13. Blindfolded Obstacle Course

Blindfold one player and guide them through a human-made obstacle course around the pool using verbal instructions. Be creative and keep it safe while navigating around obstacles formed by other players.

14. Float Olympics

Get creative and stage your own “Float Olympics” using pool floats. Create different challenges, such as the fastest lap while lying on a float.

To win, try to make the most creative float design or the best, synchronized float performance.

15. Never Have I Ever (Pool Edition)

This classic game gets a pool-themed twist. Players sit around the edge of the pool and take turns saying “Never have I ever…” followed by a pool-related statement.

Anyone who has done that action must get in the pool, making the game progressively more fun as the water level rises.

How to have fun in the pool by yourself

How to have fun in the pool by yourself

While pool games are more exciting when you play them with other people, there are still ways to entertain yourself solo.

Try the following things:

Lap Swimming

Enhance your fitness level while enjoying the refreshing water. Set goals, time yourself, or simply swim at a comfortable pace. Try different swimming strokes to make it more challenging, and interesting.

Underwater Meditation

Escape the noise and find your inner peace by practicing underwater meditation. Focus on your breath, the feeling of weightlessness, and the underwater soundscape.

Underwater Yoga

Combine the benefits of yoga and water by practicing poses underwater. Experiment with positions like downward-facing dog, warrior pose, or child’s pose, adapting them to the aquatic environment.

Enjoy underwater target practice

This requires some preparation. Fill a clear container with water and attach weights to sink it. Place diving rings or small objects inside. Practice your diving and aim by throwing rings or retrieving objects from the container.

Poolside Reading

Relax and get lost in a good book while enjoying the sun and cool breeze. Consider waterproof reading materials or use a dedicated e-reader.

Fun with your girlfriend

Transform your pool time into a romantic and playful experience with your girlfriend with the following activities:

Enjoy a couple’s massage: Give each other relaxing massages while lying on the pool chairs, or on the pool floats for adults if you have them.

Romantic float picnics: Enjoy a picnic lunch or dinner on pool floats, complete with candles and decorations.

Underwater treasure hunt: Hide small gifts or messages underwater for her to find, adding a romantic twist to the scavenger hunt.

Partner swimming races: Challenge yourselves to swimming races, adding a playful element and encouraging friendly competition.

Romantic games: Play games like Marco Polo, underwater tag, or synchronized swimming with a romantic twist, adding cuddles or holding hands.

How to have fun while swimming

Instead of swimming just for the sake of it, you should add some fun into the activity. Here are some things you can do:

Kickboard games: Use a kickboard for different games like races, balance challenges, or underwater target practice.

Obstacle course: Create a human-made obstacle course with other swimmers, diving through legs, jumping over arms, and navigating the “course.”

Underwater twister: Play a modified version of Twister underwater, holding your breath and following instructions like “left arm down” or “right leg up.”

Underwater memory game: Hide objects like colored rocks or rings underwater. Players memorize their locations and then try to retrieve them while holding their breath.

Dolphin kicks: Challenge yourself to swim laps using only the dolphin kick, a fun and efficient swimming technique.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are pool games for adults safe?

Yes, pool games can be safe if played responsibly. Be aware of your surroundings, avoid roughhousing or risky activities, and stay within your swimming abilities. Most importantly, do not get into the pool after drinking alcohol.

How do I keep pool games interesting?

Incorporate variations into existing games, set challenges, and encourage creativity. Theme nights, introducing props, and adding friendly competition can also keep things interesting.

What are some games that don’t require swimming?

Pool volleyball, corn hole, and card games near the pool are fun options for those who prefer to stay poolside.


Pool games for adults can be a fantastic way to stay active, socialize, and create lasting memories.

With a little creativity and the ideas I have shared with you here, you can transform your pool into a fun zone.

You can have a great time in the pool whether you’re alone, with friends, or with your significant other. So, grab your one or two-piece swimsuit, unleash your playful spirit, and get ready to splash into a world of fun!

Even if you do not have equipment, you can have incredible fun in the water.

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