Image of Is it safe to swim in a river while pregnant

How To Swim Safely In The River While Pregnant

When you are pregnant, you mostly want to relax. Now, swimming can help in a big way. But is it safe to swim in a river while pregnant?

Pregnancy is not a disability, so you can do many things that other people can do, at least in the first two trimesters. And even after delivering your bundle of joy, you can swim after C-Section.

Swimming while pregnant is one of the recommended exercises. However, since your reaction time is slower, swim when the current is low and the water is calm. Also, to swim in the river, choose when the water is free of debris.

While everyone should take precautions when swimming in the pool, in the ocean, or in the river, pregnant women swimming anywhere need to be more careful. So yes, swimming in the river while pregnant is possible, but with caution.

Precautions for swimming in the river while pregnant

Precautions for swimming in the river while pregnant

Pregnancy should not be a punishment. It should be a joy through every trimester.

You might apply some of the tips we share here when swimming in a lake while pregnant. With extra caution, you and your unborn baby can be safe while swimming in the river. Keep reading to see how to enjoy yourself.

1. Gear Up Properly

You need a properly fitting swimsuit. You also need water shoes for swimming since the riverbed might be rocky.

You also need to carry enough fresh water for drinking and snacks to replenish your energy levels. Remember, you feel hungry faster when you are pregnant.

Pack something to eat. You will need more calories than you would eat when not pregnant. If you are in the second trimester, you will actually eat more. Fruits make good snacks, so pack what you love to eat.

Also, carry healthy drinks like homemade juices. Eat or drink as soon as you feel hungry. Since you are not trying to lose weight by swimming in a river, the rule of not eating before swimming does not apply to you.

If you need flotation devices for adults, use them to help you swim well.

Pack your clothes too so that you can change into them when you are done swimming. If the water is a bit cold, you should wear proper swimming items.

Try gloves for swimming if your hands feel too cold.

2. Check out for water safety

The very first thing that you need to do when preparing to swim in a river while pregnant is scout for safety.

First, there must be no predators—you know, alligators and others, in the river. If there are crocodiles, you are better off not swimming.

If you are in Africa, avoid swimming in hippo-infested rivers. This animal is not only very big, but it is quite aggressive as well.

And it is not only animals that you have to be aware of. You also need to ensure that the place you are swimming in the river has no rocks, floating logs, or other debris.

Ensure that the river is clean to avoid health risks. When you are pregnant, your immunity might be compromised, making you more vulnerable to yeast infection, and other illnesses.

The last thing that you want to contend with when you are pregnant is a case of bilharzia.

3. Swim with a companion or in a group

You should never swim alone in the river when pregnant. Actually, you should never swim alone in the river, even when you are not pregnant.

Because of the hormonal imbalance you experience, you never know what your body could do once you get in the water.

In any case, you could actually feel too tired to maneuver to the shore on your own. This is where the person who is watching you comes in.

When you have someone watching your back, you feel more confident, and you can swim longer.  In case there is an emergency, you have someone that you can depend on.

If you do not have a friend to swim with you, never swim alone. You can ask to join other swimmers in the lake or the river. Most people are very willing to accommodate a pregnant woman. I guess it is because of the promise of life.

You might want to go swimming with your pregnant friend. While that is a good idea, both of you still need another person watching over you.

4. Know your limits and stay within them

When you are carrying an extra 20 or so pounds, you need to really understand your limits. When people ask, Is it OK to swim in a lake while pregnant? What they mean is, won’t the weight be too much?

Of course, your energy levels will be lower than when you were not pregnant, so you need to watch that.

You need to listen to your body keenly. In the morning, you will be feeling just right and fine, full of life. However, that could change at any time, mostly because of hormonal imbalance issues.

If you suddenly feel too fatigued to go on, just get out of the river. If your energy levels go down, you need to get out of the water immediately.

If the water is too cold, you should not swim in it. You do not want to take the risks of cold water swimming when you are pregnant. You need to maintain a constant body temperature.

Do not swim longer than necessary, even when you feel too energetic. It is good to limit yourself to a certain time, for instance, 30 minutes of swimming five days a week. If you can do longer than that, fine, but make sure your doctor has advised it.

5. Walk into the water carefully

Walking into a deep part of the river where you can swim can be treacherous if you are not careful. That is why you need to do it slowly.

Also, since the riverbed could have rocks, sticks, and other dangerous things, you need to wear a pair of water shoes.

When you are pregnant, the center of gravity of your body is not the same as when you were not pregnant.

Thus, keep this in mind as you walk to the part where you want to swim, treading on the slippery riverbed.

If you are asking: Is it safe to swim in a river while pregnant? It means that you really are in no position to dive or jump into the river. Therefore, you need to walk in slowly until you get to the right depth.

6. Swim with the most comfortable stroke

Image of can you go swimming while pregnant

When you finally get in the water, choosing the right swimming stroke is important. It can determine the success or failure of your swimming session when you are pregnant.

It is recommended that you try the breaststroke method, that is, unless you are experiencing pain in the pelvis.

It is also important that you swim on your back and on your front. This is going to give you a thorough workout for the whole body.

To enjoy swimming on your back, you need to learn how to float. That way, you can rest in the water when you feel too tired.

As you swim, listen to your body. If you feel abdominal or other pain in your body, stop swimming and get out of the water.

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Is It Safe to Swim in a River while Pregnant? FAQ

Swimming is one of the safest exercises for a pregnant woman. However, much of this safety is in your hands, so you really need to ensure that you follow the tips that we have shared here.

Keep reading to see the commonly asked questions regarding swimming while pregnant.

Can swimming in cold water cause miscarriage?

Swimming in very cold water can lead to hypothermia, where the body loses its heat to the surrounding cold water. If that happens, anything could happen to you, including experiencing a miscarriage. So yes, swimming in cold water is not good for a pregnant woman.

What swimming stroke is best for pregnancy?

You should try using the freestyle and breaststroke styles of swimming when you are pregnant. Between the two, you should be able to identify which one works best for you. Be careful not to arch your back, and listen to your body. If you feel pain anywhere, get out of the water.

When should you stop swimming while pregnant?

Listen to your body when swimming in the river while pregnant. If you start to feel tired, it is time to get out. If you experience any kind of vaginal discharge while swimming, get out of the water and call for help. Also, if you experience nausea or dizziness, stop swimming immediately.

Can I float on my back while pregnant?

Regarding floating on your back or on your tummy, you should speak to your doctor. Perhaps you might float in the first and second trimesters. Really, when you are pregnant, follow your doctor’s advice before you do anything.


Is it safe to swim in a river while pregnant, and what precautions can you take? Never swim in a risky spot, and most importantly, have someone swimming with you all the time.

Depending on how easy or strenuous your pregnancy is, your doctor might advise you against swimming. Follow that advice!

Lastly, even if the doctor says you can swim, it is vital to know your limits. The moment that you start feeling too fatigued, get out of the water.

With due preparation, you will be set to enjoy the many benefits of swimming while pregnant.

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