how to a bathing suit

A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Swimsuits in Pristine Condition

There is no better time of the year than the swimming season. But what happens when the fun ends and your trusty swimsuit emerges dripping from the pool?

How do you store a bathing suit such that it stays in great shape until the following year’s swimming season? This is what we are going to look at in this simple guide.

If you do not store the swimsuit perfectly, you could expose it to dry rot, and other nasty problems. To ensure that your beautiful tankini swimsuit stays intact for a long time, you must know how to clean, dry, and store it.

How to wash your bathing suit correctly

How to wash your bathing suit correctly

Keeping your bathing suit clean and fresh is crucial for maintaining its vibrant colors, supportive fit, and overall lifespan.

Here are the vital tips to follow:

Before you clean:

Check the Label: Always check the care instructions on your swimsuit’s label. Different materials and embellishments may require specific cleaning methods.

Pre-Rinse: After every wear, regardless of chlorine exposure, rinse your suit with cool water to remove sand, sunscreen, and salt residues. This quick step significantly reduces cleaning needs and prevents potential stains.

Bathing and swimsuit cleaning methods

Mainly, when people ask about cleaning their swimsuits, they are usually asking whether they can hand-wash or machine-wash it. The good news is… either can work!

Handwashing a swimsuit

This is the gentlest and most recommended method for most bathing suits. Fill a sink with cool water and add a small amount of mild detergent designed for delicate fabrics or activewear.

Submerge your polyester swimsuit, gently swishing it around to loosen any dirt or residue. Avoid harsh scrubbing or wringing, as this can damage the fabric.

Soak it for 15–30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cool water until no soap suds remain.

Machine washing a swimsuit

This method is acceptable for some sturdier bathing suits, but you ought to check the label first. If it is indicated as machine-washable, turn your suit inside out and place it in a mesh laundry bag for protection.

Use a cold water cycle in a gentle setting with a small amount of mild detergent. Avoid bleach or harsh fabric softeners.

Skip the spin cycle because it can cause damage. Take the suit out immediately after washing and lay it flat to dry.

Removing stains from a bathing suit

If you eat before swimming, some of the food might find its way to the swimsuit. It is best to deal with stains immediately before they set.

However, it is not always a food spill that you have to deal with. There are other types of stains on women and men’s swimwear, as you can see below:

Sunscreen stains: Apply a small amount of laundry detergent directly to the stain and gently rub with your fingers. Soak for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with cool water.

Chlorine: Rinse your suit thoroughly with cool water immediately after swimming to remove as much chlorine as possible. For stubborn stains, soak your suit in a mixture of cool water and baking soda (1 tablespoon per liter) for 30 minutes, then rinse well.

Salt: Simply rinse your suit with cool, fresh water to remove salt residues.


Skip the dryer! It can shrink or damage your swimsuit. Instead, air-dry your suit on a flat surface or on a drying rack in a well-ventilated room. Avoid drying it in direct sunlight, because it makes colors fade.

How do you store a wet bathing suit?

This is another problem that you have to deal with after swimming in the ocean, and you have to take the swimsuit home to clean it.

Also, if you have been swimming at a public facility, you need to know how to pack your wet swimsuit until you can get home and clean it.

Never, ever, ever ball up your damp suit and chuck it into a drawer. This is a recipe for mold growth, and wrinkles will disfigure it a lot, and they can be such a bother to remove.

Instead, follow these steps:

Rinse away the chlorine: Gently rinse your suit with clean, cool water to remove chlorine, sunscreen, and salt (enemies of fabric longevity). Whether you have been swimming in a chlorine or saltwater pool, try and rinse the swimsuit as soon as you get out of the water.

Squeeze it gently, don’t wring: Wringing out your suit can damage the delicate fibers. Instead, gently squeeze out excess water, rolling it between your hands or laying it flat on a towel.

Air dry, not sun bake: Avoid drying the bathing suit in direct sunlight. It can fade the colors and weaken the fabric. Hang your suit on a drying rack or over a shower rod in a well-ventilated room.

How do you fold and store a swimsuit?

Once fully dry, folding your suit for storage is key. Here are two handy methods:

The flat fold: Lay your suit flat on a surface. Smooth out any wrinkles and fold the legs or bottom half up towards the waistline. Fold the top half (or one piece) down again to meet the legs. You can then fold the entire suit in half again for a compact storage solution.

The roll fold: Lay your suit flat. Roll one side tightly towards the center, then roll the other side over it. This method is ideal for preventing wrinkles and conserving space in drawers.

How to keep a bathing suit from dry-rotting

The presence of moisture and lack of air circulation in the drawer or closet cause dry rot in your clothes. To prevent this from affecting your bathing suit, follow the tips below:

Make sure the suit is 100% dry

Moisture is the culprit, so ensure your suit is bone-dry before packing it away. If you air-dry it completely, even mold or mildew will not grow on the swimsuit fabric.

Choosing breathable storage

Fabric bags, mesh organizers, or open shelves allow for air circulation, preventing moisture buildup. Remember, one of the causes of dry rot is lack of proper air circulation.

Don’t store it in a plastic bag

Trapped moisture and heat in plastic bags are a recipe for disaster. Use breathable solutions or seal your suit in a garment bag within a box for longer-term storage.

Washing after every use

Remove chlorine, sunscreen, and salt residues, which can attract moisture and accelerate dry rot.

How to store swimsuits in a closet

How to store swimsuits in a closet

Once the swimming season is over, your swimsuit will go to the closet. You need to keep all the swimming attires safe for the next season.

For proper closet storage, do the following:

Dedicate a shelf or drawer so that you don’t crowd your suits. Give them ample breathing room to prevent wrinkles and moisture buildup.

Utilize drawer dividers so that you can keep suits organized, and prevent them from getting tangled.

Avoid exposing your swimwear to extreme temperatures. Keep your closet away from radiators or air vents to prevent excessive heat or humidity.

No moths, and bugs in the closet! If neglected, these lowlifes can chew holes into your swimsuit and render it useless.

After storing your swimming gear in the closet, keep checking it from time to time.

How to hang bathing suits

If you have limited drawer space, you can always choose to hang your bathing suits. To do that efficiently, follow the instructions below:

Use padded hangers and avoid thin wire hangers that can snag or stretch swimsuit straps. Opt for padded hangers or wider fabric loops to distribute the weight of the padded swimsuit evenly.

Hang the suits by the shoulders to prevent creases from forming, and to preserve the shape. Avoid hanging by the straps, which can stretch and distort.

Rather than leave one suit hanging as it is for many months, take it off the hanger sometimes. This helps to prevent stress on straps and shoulders.

Wrapping it up

By following these simple storage tips, you can prolong the life of your swimsuits and keep them looking and feeling fantastic. Follow these tips too for the care of wetsuits for swimming.

Bonus Tip: Consider investing in a swimsuit steamer. This gentle method removes wrinkles and refreshes your suit without the use of harsh chemicals.

With proper storage, your swimwear will be ready for use every swimming season. Just make sure that you air-dry it completely, and check it regularly if you are storing it for a long time.

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