Image of how to clear green pool water fast

How Do You Fix a Green Pool Overnight?

If you want to know how to clear green pool water fast, you have come to the right place.

This is a common problem, but alas, the solutions are not readily available. However, here, we are all about swimming, and that is why we are putting this post together to show you how to clear up a green pool fast.

In case you are wondering how fast is fast, well, this is hard work. Thus, it might not be possible to clear a pool in 24 hours. You need a few days to do a clean job.

Clearing a pool is a systematic process. You have to give it time. The good thing is that after clearing the water, you can maintain a regular pool cleaning schedule to keep the water clear all the time.

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Why does swimming pool water turn green?

There are a few reasons why swimming pool water turns green. If you can narrow down the causes of this, perhaps you can prevent it from happening. They are:

  • Growth of algae
  • Organic matter getting into the pool
  • Unbalanced pH or low alkaline levels
  • Bad filtration system
  • Neglected maintenance

When you have neglected your pool maintenance for some time, there can be several reasons for the water turning green.

If it is just organic matter, it can be easy to remove. If it is related to pH and alkaline levels, you might need a more advanced solution.

Steps to follow to clear up green pool fast

These are things that you can do yourself to clean the pool. However, if you think the pool requires advanced care, you could call a professional. This might be important if you think you need to drain the pool for a more thorough cleaning session. Keep reading!

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Step 1: Remove the physical, organic debris with a leaf net

If you have not been using a pool cover, the swimming pool is going to have a lot of physical debris, such as leaves, dead bugs, sticks, and so on. The organic matter breaks down, but the sooner you remove it, the better.

The filtration system of your pool can remove the disintegrated organic matter from the water. However, when you take the pool out of the water, your filtration system will do less work, so its lifespan is not affected too much.

Image of how to get rid of green pool water fast

Try to be gentle when removing the floating organic matter so that you do not stir the water too much. The bacteria can spread out, and you don’t want that to happen.

Step 2: Do your pool’s chemical analysis

In this step, you will need to adjust the chemical levels of your swimming pool. However, you cannot do this until you test the water with the kits designed for that job.

You will check the pH and bromine levels. If you do not have a pool testing kit, carry some of the water to the nearest swimming pool store.

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They are going to test the water for you. You can then adjust the chemical levels as necessary to make your water safe for swimming again and clear the green.

Step 3: Shock the water

Shocking just means adding three or more times of chlorine or any other recommended product to the pool water. The excess chlorine helps to kill bacteria, mold, and algae.

In another article, we saw that you can use a swimming pool even in less than 24 hours after shocking it. In this instance, you can shock the pool after removing the organic matter and adjusting the chemical levels.

Shocking has many benefits. It kills bacteria. That is why it is recommended for pools that have been neglected for some time.

Another benefit is that it clears the water quickly. That is why it is recommended when there has been a rainstorm in your area.

Depending on the type of shock product you use, you can swim in the pool in as many as 20 minutes, or you might have to wait up to 24 hours.

Shocking also kills the algae, which turns the pool green. You can use liquid chlorine, cal-hypo products, and so on to shock the pool.

Shocking the pool will also adjust the acidity levels of the pool. The water needs to be alkaline, so the pH level should be 7.2 to 7.4. Shocking the pool will raise the alkalinity of the water.

Step 4: Run the sand filter and backwash

Running the sand filter helps to remove the algae and other matters that make the water green. However, don’t just run the sand filter.

Also, remember to backwash the filter so that it does not clog up and so the water can clear faster. However, remember that the water clears faster when you filter more than you backwash.

The appropriate way to do this is to run the filter for 24 hours continuously, and within that time, backwash about 4 times.

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Step 5: Brush the pool thoroughly

Algae can attach to the tiles on the walls and the floor of the pool. You will need to brush these off thoroughly, especially if it has been some time since you last gave the pool a proper maintenance run. You should brush the pool before you shock it.

Step 6: Vacuum to waste

By design, filters should not be used to catch a lot of dirt. Therefore, if you can, try to bypass the filter and just pump up the matter that you are vacuuming into the waste.

This is going to help the filter maintain cleanliness in the pool water rather than have to deal with copious amounts of dirt.

Step 7: Hire a professional

After you do all of the above that we have aforementioned, and you still find that the pool water does not clear, you might want to hire a professional service. You will pay them a fee, but the good thing is that they can even troubleshoot different things to see what could be wrong.

Step 8: Keep a regular pool maintenance schedule

Keep a proper maintenance schedule so that the pool water stays in great shape all the time. If there is a lot of organic debris finding its way to the pool, do a maintenance run at least two times a week.

Also, if the professional service recommends draining the pool to scrub the tiles, do that. After that, clean the water regularly.

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How to clear green pool water fast FAQ

If you have a new pool and you are fully responsible for its well-being, you might not know what to do to clear the green water. These frequently asked questions and answers might help you further …

How long does it take for green pool water to clear?

The best time for clearing green pool water completely is 4 to 5 days. Remember, there is live organic matter that you need to kill. If you shock the pool, that alone will take 24 hours before you can use it. You also have to kill the algae. Give it a minimum of 4 days.

Why is my pool still green after shocking it?

If there are metals in the water, it is likely to turn green when you shock the pool with chlorine. To remove the green color, you have to use a metal remover in the pool.

What is the fastest way to shock a green pool?

Use triple the amount of chlorine that you would normally use for the pool. This is going to kill off the algae. You can wait for a day or two until all the algae is dead. That alone might not clear the water because algae are not the single cause of green color in your water.

How can I clear my green pool quickly?

It will take you 4 to 5 days to clear a green pool. Anything less than that is not correct. You must sieve out the organic debris, measure the chemical levels in the water, and then shock the pool with chlorine and wait for 24 hours. If, after 5 days, the pool is not clear, you need to check for the presence of metals like copper in the water.

Image of how to turn green pool water clear fast

Can too much chlorine make a pool green?

If there are metals such as copper in the pool, too much chlorine will react with the metals, making the water green. If you use too little chlorine, it is not going to kill all the algae, and this will still cause the water to look green.

Use a metal remover product to remove the metal from the water, and use a good amount of chlorine to kill all the algae over 24 to 48 hours.

Is it safe to swim in green pool water?

It is not safe to swim in green pool water until you have established the cause of the green color. However, since clearing the water will take just 4 to 5 days, that’s a short wait that won’t kill you. So it is just best not to swim in green water.

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Wrapping Up: How to Clear Green Pool Water Fast

When swimming season comes, it is time to get your pool ready for use. Unfortunately, this is also the algae season and the time when you have pollen, organic debris, and other stuff falling into the water and making the pool water green.

Knowing how to clear it fast can help you a great deal. Also, arrange a regular pool maintenance schedule to keep it in top-notch condition all the time.

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