Image of how long do above ground pools last

Are Above Ground Swimming Pools Worth It?

How long do above-ground pools last? This is a popular question among people who don’t have the luxury of owning an in-ground pool.

Another question that most people ask is: Is it worth buying an above-ground pool? These are very fair questions, by the way.

A pool of any type, even an inflatable pool, is a big investment, and you want it to last as long as possible to give you the best value for money.

So, how long does an above-ground pool last? These pools can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. The liner will wear out sooner but should last 6 to 10 years. Taking good care of all above-ground pool aspects will give it a maximum lifespan.

Different types of above-ground pools

Image of types of above ground pools

The good thing is that today, you can find a good pool for just about any budget. Really advanced and long-lasting above-ground pools will cost even more than $10,000.

Inflatable pools will last a couple of hundred dollars, perhaps more, but they will last one to two years.

Here is a sneak peek at the different types of above-ground pools you can buy for your home:

Inflatable pools can last 2 years

These pools come with everything that you need to install them and make them usable. They come with the pump, too.

All you need to do is place it on a level surface, inflate it to the specified pressure, fill it with water, attach the steps, and you are good to go.

You can also attach a pool filter to this swimming pool to keep it clean all the time.

Since these pools are cheap to buy, they are not designed to last a long time. This also does not require expert installation. Just follow the instructions that come with your inflatable pool.

Above-ground resin pools – lasts 10 years

Resin is a type of high-strength plastic that is mostly used in the construction industry for various things.

In recent years, resin has found a lot of use in the construction of above-ground swimming pool walls.

It has its many benefits. For instance, it is super strong. Secondly, it is light in weight, and thirdly, it does not rust. Fourthly, the maintenance of this pool is not too hard.

Other benefits of resin pools include weather resistance. Even when exposed to high temperatures, it is going to lose its shape by warping.

Resin swimming pools will cost you more than most other materials. However, they are definitely worth it.

Metal frame above ground pools can last up to 20 years

How long do steel above-ground pools last? First, a few important things about it.

These pools come with a high-quality metal frame, which can be steel, aluminum, or zinc. In fact, many of these pools are made with a mix of these metals.

The pools are quite expensive, but they can also last a long time, so you will definitely get great value for your money.

The metal used is treated to make it corrosion-resistant. Therefore, even when the pool remains exposed to the elements, it is not going to deteriorate.

The metal-frame pools are also preferable because they require minimal cleaning and maintenance. This does not mean you do not need to maintain the pool.

You still need to keep it in top condition. However, they do not require as much maintenance as fiberglass or concrete pools.

Hybrid above ground swimming pools – can last 20 years

Hybrid means a cross between two materials, and here, it is a mix of metal and resin (plastic). The combination of these materials brings you the best of both worlds.

The metal parts are used in the areas that will not be too exposed to the weather, mostly to create the framework of the pool.

Resin is used on parts that are fully exposed. Hybrid pools combine high quality materials, so they will be costlier. However, with good care, your pool can last up to 20 years, so it is a good deal.

Things that can cut the lifespan of above-ground pool

How long an above ground pool can last depends on many things. One of them is the type of material used in its construction.

The second determinant is the care and maintenance that you give your pool, since every part of it is pretty much exposed to the elements.

Here are some of the things that can cut short the life of your above ground pool:

Not keeping the water at even level

Many people ignore this, but in the long run, it will ruin your pool. If the water weight is not distributed evenly, it can ruin your pool. It can cause the liner to start creasing and eventually, it will rip.

But that is not even the worst of it. When the water leans too much to one side, it can deform the structure of the pool. Eventually, the pool can break down.

If there is too much usage of the pool, it will keep pushing the water to the side where it is not level. This will deteriorate the problem and cause more frame damage.

Rusting of the frame

This problem comes with metal and hybrid above-ground swimming pools. When metal is exposed to dampness, it corrodes. Rust can eat away at the metal until, eventually, your pool collapses.

If you do not give your swimming pool proper maintenance, it is going to rust away, and that might cause it to break down.

Check the structural status of your pool all the time, and if you have built a deck around it, crawl under the deck with a flashlight and check the condition.

Wrinkled and torn pool liner

This is another big problem with all pools, including the in-ground pools. The pool liner is continually exposed to elements.

You need to clean it regularly as you check for defects. If you neglect to maintain it properly, it is going to crease up and might develop tears easily.

Untended plants around the pool

It is important to keep the ground around the pool tended to and in good shape all the time. Untended gardens around pools can cause bugs and rodents to thrive. These might find their way into the water.

Also, plant roots can cause the development of cracks in the walls of the pool as they try to reach the water. Eventually, they will destroy the liner.

A lot of sand

For above-the-ground pool installations, it is recommended to use sand between the pool and the ground. However, be keen to use just enough.

If you use too much sand, the weight of the pool is going to displace some of the sand, and this will affect the leveling.

Staying on uneven ground for too long will affect your pool. Remember to compact the sand very well.

Lack of good support

Water is heavy. That’s why you need the best support for your pool to prevent it from collapsing.

If you do not give it good support, the weight of the water and the people who will be swimming in the pool can cause serious structural deformities.

Also, the pool should never stay empty. Therefore, the support you built for your pool should be able to support the full weight for all the time you will have the pool.

Emptying the pool

You should never leave an above-ground pool. If you leave the pool empty for too long, the weather elements can ruin the liner and cause it to wrinkle up or start tearing up. This will affect the longevity of the pool.

At some point, you must clean the pool which means emptying it. However, you should drain the water as you add more water. That way, the liner never stays exposed.

How long do Intex above-ground pools last?

Image of how long do intex above ground pools last

Intex is one of the leading above-ground swimming pool makers in the market. Therefore, out of many pools sold to different homeowners, this brand name takes a good chunk.

So, it is not uncommon to find people asking: How long do Intex above-ground pools last? They give a good deal for money.

Generally, their soft side pools can last up to three years, perhaps slightly longer than that, depending on the care and maintenance that you give them.

They also make metal frames for above-ground pools and these can last a long time, even more than 10 years.

Intex gives very good care and maintenance instructions for their pools. To enhance durability, you should follow their guide for winterizing the pool for the cold season. Keep it full of water during the warm seasons.

How long do above-ground pool liners last?

image of how long do above ground pools last

These kinds of pools come with vinyl liners. No matter how good care you give them, a time comes when they start wearing away.

Liners stay exposed throughout the year. However, they are resilient because the manufacturers consider exposure to the pool chemicals.

Start by having the liner installation go right. Expert installation is necessary. That way, the liner can be suctioned to the pool walls completely, without leaving any air spaces in between. Such spaces would cause the liner to wrinkle and that is how liners start.

If you give good care to your pool, the liner can last up to 10 years. Giving the pool good care means to keep it clean all the time.

Always make sure the liner is covered by water. If you expose it to sunshine, it is going to wrinkle up and start tearing away.

Another important thing is to ensure there are no sharp objects getting into the pool. If the liner is pierced, it is not going to last long.

One of the ways to ensure there is no debris getting into the pool is to keep it covered when you are not using it.

How often do above ground pools collapse?

They do not collapse very often, because if many collapsed, we would get it all over the news.

However, one of the biggest fears of any homeowner with an above-ground pool is whether it can collapse.

And true enough, these pools do collapse. However, only the very badly installed, poorly cared-for swimming pools collapse. Therefore, if you get yours installed by experts in the right way, it is not going to collapse.

What causes an above-ground pool to collapse?

Many things. One of them is poor installation. If you don’t install it on level ground, this can cause it to collapse in the long run.

In-ground pools can also collapse, but they are less likely to collapse as compared to the above-the-ground ones.

Because of the liner’s health, this pool needs to have water all the time. Therefore, carrying all that water weight on uneven ground can make the pool collapse easily.

Snow and ice can cause damage to the pool. Frost is serious, and it can cause the pool to collapse if you do not winterize the pool for winter.

If there is a weak point anywhere in the pool, the weight of the water and the weather elements are going to exploit that and cause it to collapse.

If you cover the pool during winter and ice piles on it, it can cause collapsing. You have to keep sweeping the snow off the cover.

If it rains, you must drain the water from the pool cover because it freezes, creating a sheet cover on it.

Wrapping Up

To the question of: how long do above-ground pools last? Well, the answer is that the duration varies. Plastic Intex pools can last up to 3 years, while metal ones can last up to 20 years.

Before you can install this kind of pool, please find all the information that you can get. Know how to take care of it, how to clean it, and what you need to do to keep it from collapsing.

Since these pools cost a good amount of money, it is vital to ensure yours stays in great shape for the longest time.

It is also vital to know when to replace the pool. If it is older than 10 years and it leaks too much, it might be time to start thinking of replacing it.

Others, such as the inflatable ones, can last about three years. Do not run a very old pool because there is a higher risk of it collapsing.

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