Image of do tampons absorb water while swimming

How To Swim Safely On Your Period with A Tampon … and Something about Toxic Shock Syndrome

Auntie Red is in town, but you need to have your swim because it is part of your weekly or daily cardio workout. And so you wonder… do tampons absorb water while swimming?

The answer is yes, and for now, we will leave it at that. We shall elaborate more on it in other parts of this article.

Keep reading!

Can you swim on your period?

In their minds, most people think that when you swim while on your period, you will leave a trail of red in the water.

Nothing could be further from the truth. OK, it could happen, especially if you are the heavy-flow type.

And no, even if you are swimming in the sea, there will be no sharks coming after you. One of the nastiest period myths is that if you swim during your period, the sharks will smell the blood and come make you their chow.

You can swim on your period, alright? However, it is important to wear a tampon. This special wearable captures all the blood before it leaves the body. Therefore, there will not even be traces of period blood.

Can you swim on your period without a tampon?

do tampons absorb water while swimming

If you like, you can even get into the water without a tampon. However, for this, you really have to have a light flow.

Your body can contain a little blood in its cavity waiting for you to find a tampon. However, if you do this, you will be wondering how you will not paint the entire pool red. There is a simple explanation for that.

When you get into the water, the pressure from the water holds the period blood in your body.

It does this in such a way that there are no traces whatsoever of blood. However, if you have a heavy flow, please wear a tampon before you can get in the pool.

Benefits of swimming on your period

A tampon is quite absorbent, and therefore, it is only fair to expect that it will absorb water from its surroundings. You know that it does not let go of whatever it absorbs.

The water will stay intact. This will hinder how your tampon absorbs your period blood—that is, if it absorbs it at all!

Don’t fret about it. While common sense will tell you to avoid swimming when you are on your period, here we will tell you differently.

In fact, even if you ask a health specialist, he or she will advise you to swim while you are on your period.

Swimming will help ease cramps! Every woman hates cramps. As if blood coming out of your vagina is not enough already, you still gotta get those nasty cramps.

However, during this “crampy” period, you need to get in the pool. Swimming is not only going to give you the best aerobic exercise, but it is also going to ease those cramps. And you would like that, no?

Do tampons get wet when you go swimming?

We have already said they do. Therefore, it is a good idea for you to change and pop in a fresh one as soon as you are out of the pool.

And there is another reason for this, too. For example, when you are in the pool, your tampon could collect bacteria. You do not want any more cause for worry down there, apart from what you already got.

Before you get into the pool, change into a new, fresh tampon. That way, if there is any blood, it will be absorbed and held within the tampon.

Do I have to change my tampon after I swim?

Yes, you should change your tampon after swimming. The reason for this is not particularly the blood, but the fact that it will have absorbed water.

Now, even the cleanest-looking swimming pool water has bacteria and germs that it can pass along to you.

Therefore, in your sensitive condition as it is, you do not want your vagina to be exposed to these germs.

So yes, do not keep the tampon in your person too long after swimming. Change it as soon as possible.

How do you use a tampon when swimming?

Do tampons absorb water while swimming? We have said they do. Now that we have all agreed that you can use a tampon when swimming while on your period, we have to tell you how to use a tampon when swimming.

How to swim with a tampon

If this is your first time swimming with a tampon, here is a step-by-step guide for you.

First, you will insert the tampon the same way that you would when not swimming. Just find the best position for your vagina, and then insert the thicker side applicator first.

After you are done with that, press the thinner applicator. Be sure to push the tampon as far in as it will go. If you do not, the tampon will come out with the applicator, and you will have to repeat it all over.

With the tampon inserted, sit down, stand, walk, run, and even sleep in different positions. You want to test whether the tampon is snug enough and comfortable. If the tampon hurts, try to adjust it with your finger so that it reaches deep inside.

Choose the right bathing suit

After inserting your tampon in your vagina, it is now time for you to choose the right bathing suit. It should be snug and comfortable. It should also be clean and bacteria-free.

During your period, do not wear a bathing suit that is brighter in color. For example, you can choose a dark-colored bathing suit.

This is just in case there is a small accident, and you do not want to leave a flash of blood on a white swimming suit.

Tuck in the string of the tampon carefully. You do not want to leave it dangling from the side of your underwear.

Can swimming with a tampon cause an infection?

Can swimming with a tampon cause an infection

It is possible to get toxic shock syndrome from bacteria that can lurk on tampons. However, this is only likely to happen if you neglect to change your tampon for too long. We shall discuss this later in this article.

When a woman is on her period, most of her body parts are very sensitive, including the tissue inside the genitals.

Therefore, most worry whether swimming with a tampon can cause infection. Others wonder whether they can swim with a yeast infection when they are on their period.

Now, there is not that much to worry about. However, if you are swimming in water that has too much bacteria, some might be caught up in the tampon. The chances of this happening are low, but it is a risk all the same.

In another article, we said that water does not go inside you when you swim. So, there is no danger of catching an infection from the water.

There is just a small risk of some bacteria landing on your genitalia and eventually finding its way inside the vulva.

Overall, there is not that much danger of catching an infection when you swim with a tampon. You can go ahead and enjoy your swimming sessions when you are on your period.

According to an article on Penn Medicine, being warned not to use feminine products such as tampons when swimming is just a myth.

What can I use instead of tampons for swimming?

If you feel as if the tampon is too invasive, there are other options of feminine products that you can use to swim on your period.

These include the following:

Menstrual cup

As the name suggests, this is a small silicone cup that goes inside and catches the blood and discharge as it comes from the uterus.

It is very effective, comfortable, and leak-proof. However, you should make sure you check it from time to time to empty it, clean it, and insert it back in.

While there is no special requirement to change the period cup as often as you would a tampon, you should insert a clean, fresh cup before getting into the swimming pool. You should also remove and check your cup after you get out of the pool.

The menstrual cup is not prohibitive in any way. In fact, you can even jump into a pool when wearing one.

Period underwear and leakproof swimsuit

This is a special type of underwear that a woman can wear when she is on her period, without wearing sanitary pads, a menstrual cup for swimming, or a tampon.

Also called leak-proof underwear, it is going to hold your flow very well without leaking. It is specially designed for just that purpose.

In addition to leak-proof underwear, you can also get a leak-proof swimming suit. This is also designed to help women get through their swimming sessions without any leaks.

These swimsuits come in all sizes, so there is definitely one for you.

Waterproof period pads for swimming

You can also find waterproof period pads for swimming and wear them with your swimsuit. However, make sure the pad has a thin profile so that it does not stick out too much. You can stick the pad on the dry swimsuit before you change into it.

If you must use period pads when swimming, make sure to wear them with a dark-colored swimming suit. Dark colors hide the pad well.

The good thing is that when you swim, there is minimal gravity in the water. This helps a lot since it does not pull the blood downward.

Please note that swimming in cold water does not stop your period, but it might help to delay it just a bit because of the low gravity in the pool.

What if you have a heavy flow? You might need a period pad with a thicker profile. If this is the case, please wear a pair of swimming trunks in your bathing suit. They will hide the pad very well.

You can also find out whether you can wear a pair of leggings with your swimsuit in the pool. They also do a good job of hiding pads. You will look weird, but stranger things have happened.

Can you get TSS from swimming with a tampon? Yes!

Can you get TSS from swimming with a tampon

As a matter of fact, you can get TSS (toxic shock syndrome) from swimming with a tampon. However, it is also important to say that tampons don’t cause toxic shock syndrome. Rather, it is the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is responsible for that.

Tampons can play a part in causing the TSS. What happens is that when you have a light flow, the tampon might stick on the inside walls, and when you pull it out, it will cause minuscule tears.

It is through such tears that the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria can find their way into your bloodstream.

Please also note that toxic shock syndrome is not only menstruation-related. Men as well as children can suffer from this condition.

When the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria enter the bloodstream, they produce toxins, which spread quickly to internal organs like kidneys, liver, and lungs.

By the way, the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium is just one of the many that cause this condition. You might wonder why women are more likely to get TSS.

When you wear a tampon and leave it inside too long, it will trap bacteria, which will then enter the cervix and the uterus and cause infections like UTI.

This can happen to women who experience a heavy flow and do not change their tampons. To prevent TSS, it is recommended that you alternate between tampons and pads.

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Do tampons absorb water while swimming? The answer is yes. However, can you still swim when you have a tampon on? Again, the answer is yes.

With the precautions we have given you here, you should be able to swim any time that you feel like, even when you are on your period.

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