can you swim in the sea when pregnant

How Can I Swim Safely in the Sea When I am Pregnant?

Can you swim in the sea when pregnant?

Well, swimming is a highly recommended workout when you are pregnant. You do need to stay healthy.

According to an article on ACOG – American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, when you swim, the water holds your weight, so there is zero to minimal impact on your joints. Besides, swimming really poses no harm to yourself or your baby.

Because swimming in a chlorine or saltwater pool is so different from swimming in the sea, we want to see whether you can swim in the sea when pregnant.

On this blog, this is not the first time we are writing about swimming when pregnant. In another post, we asked whether you can go swimming in the river when pregnant.

Can you swim in the sea when pregnant? Yes with precaution

how to swim safely in the ocean when pregnant

You can swim in the ocean when you are pregnant. However, it is paramount to understand the precautions that you need to employ to swim safely in the sea.

Here are some of the precautions to keep in mind before swimming in the ocean:

1. Ask your doctor first: Very important!

When you are pregnant, you have to be extra cautious about what you can do and what you cannot do. So, ask a doctor whether you can swim in the ocean in the first, second, and even third trimesters.

So, go to your doctor and ask him or her: Can you swim in the ocean when pregnant?

If you have been having any health issues, disclose them to the doctor, because they will use that to determine whether it would be safe to swim.

Do you have preexisting conditions? For instance, swimming in cold water with asthma is not recommended at all.

You might also want to think twice about swimming in the ocean with yeast infection or other conditions when you are pregnant.

In this state, you have the health of your baby to worry about.

If the doctor gives you his or her okay, you can proceed to read the next factor.

2. Choose a very safe spot

You are pregnant. Your reaction time is slow. Your energy levels can dip at any moment. Besides, in this state, you do not want to be jumping into the water.

Therefore, you need to choose the best, safest, and most tranquil swimming spot on the beach. You want a place without strong currents.

You also want to make sure there are no jellyfish in the water. They can sting nastily, and so can hydroids and anemones.

While swimming with turtles feels like the real deal, when you are pregnant, it is best to avoid it. These are wild animals, and they can react unpredictably.

You also need to be cautious about sharks. You should never swim in places where sharks are sighted. If you need to swim fast to the beach, you will not have the energy.

3. Swim with other people

When swimming in open water, you need to be aware that the currents and tides are very different. They are stronger, and they can whisk you away fast.

When you are swimming in lakes, rivers, and oceans, you should never swim alone. You should swim in groups or with friends. That way, the rest can all keep an eye out for you. If you feel too tired, they can make sure you get to the beach safely.

It does not matter how secure you feel in your swimming abilities, but you should never swim in the ocean alone.

Actually, even swimming alone in the pool when pregnant is not recommended. You need to have someone watching over you.

4. Wear the right gear for swimming when pregnant

Can you swim in the ocean when pregnant safely? Yes! You have to wear the right gear, depending on the weather. For instance, seawater is colder than swimming pool water. Thus, you might want to wear swimming gloves to keep your hands warm.

You can also wear leggings to the beach if you feel cold. The good thing is that when you are pregnant, you get more slack than someone who is not. You can get away with anything.

When choosing a swimsuit, do not try the ones you wore before pregnancy. Carrying another human being inside you is surely going to extend things. Thus, you need a bigger bikini bottom and a bigger top.

Because your bust could have started to enlarge in anticipation of the breastfeeding ahead, you can find swimsuits for women with large busts.

If you do not feel very confident of your floating abilities, get a fitting PFD – personal flotation device and wear it on your person.

5. Do not exceed your limits

Not even a minute longer should you stay in the water if you feel tired. Once you have reached your limits, get out and rest on the beach.

This does not only apply to expectant moms swimming in the open water. It applies to everyone else. If you feel your energy levels depleting, get out of the water. The currents can start carrying you farther away from the beach.

Listen to your body. If you feel like puking, get out of the water. If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, get out! You can always swim another time.

6. Don’t drink ocean water

In another article, we showed you how to stop toddlers from swallowing pool water. Please stop yourself from drinking ocean water. It is not only very salty, but it also contains many contaminants.

It has petrochemicals, sewerage, fertilizers, and so many other things that eventually find their way into the sea.

If you ingest these pollutants, you could experience stomach issues. While this might not harm your baby directly, it could affect your appetite. If you do not eat enough, your baby is going to lack important nutrients.

While water does not go inside you when you swim, ingesting it is not advisable at all because it can cause you serious tummy issues.

7. Don’t swim when hungry

Can you swim in the ocean when pregnant and what precautions do you need to take? Someone always says that no matter what you do, eat first!

When you have to eat for two, you can run out of fuel fast. And it is okay unless you are nauseous; you can eat and swim almost immediately after. The waiting for 30 minutes after eating rule is just a myth.

Please note that expectant women might react differently to food and swimming. Therefore, wait some minutes after eating before getting into the water. You want to listen to your body first before you can swim.

If you feel hungry before your 30 minutes of swimming are over, get out and eat. If you continue, your energy levels will keep dropping. This might cause dizziness.

Lastly, take nutrient-packed foods and avoid junk foods.

Can you swim in the cold sea when pregnant?

It is one thing to swim in the ocean when pregnant, but it is an entirely different thing to swim in the ocean during the cold season.

Also, do not swim in a lake, ocean, river, or even swimming pool when the water is TOO COLD. Cold water is going to sap your energy faster than warm water.

Normally, you could wear a 5mm wetsuit for swimming to keep you warm. However, when you are pregnant, getting inside a wetsuit might pose a small challenge.

Please note that we are not saying you cannot swim in cold water. We are saying when the water is too cold. Besides, the sea is already cold even in summer, so a dip there can cool you down. However, it is too cold in fall and winter.

Can swimming in cold water cause miscarriage?

This is a very popular question. However, swimming in cold water does not cause miscarriage. At the same time, it does not prevent the blood from flowing to the fetus appropriately.

Therefore, miscarriage cannot occur from swimming in cold water while pregnant. However, you could experience other problems from swimming in cold water.

One of them is hypothermia, which would not only put you in danger but the baby. Hypothermia is the process of losing body heat to the surrounding cold water or air.

It can kill fast, so unless you have ample protection in the form of a wetsuit or drysuit, it is best to avoid swimming in very cold water.

When a woman is pregnant, her body’s resources are in full use. Therefore, the body’s core temperature can drop too fast when swimming in extra cold water.

Swimming while pregnant in 3rd trimester

Unless you experience problems and your doctor tells you not to swim, it is perfectly okay to take a dip in the 3rd trimester.

In the third trimester, the baby has really grown in size and weight, waiting to get out. Therefore, you feel more fatigued, and you can hardly carry your weight around.

However, the doctor has recommended at least 30 minutes of antenatal workouts for you. These can be walking or swimming. Swimming in the third trimester wins because the water will support your weight.

Another question that people ask is: Can swimming bring on labor? The answer is a big No! Swimming can actually help delay labor.

What happens is that the water’s resistance takes the pressure off the cervix. This can actually cut labor short instead of letting it continue.

However, this is just in the short term. If labor time comes, it comes. Therefore, it is best to stick with the estimated delivery date that your doctor has given you. That way, you will be ready for the hospital when your water breaks.

How cold is too cold to swim while pregnant?

How cold is too cold to swim while pregnant

Can you swim in the ocean when pregnant when it is cold?

It is too cold to swim when pregnant if it can lead to hypothermia. Since pregnancy throws your body temperature control mechanism into disarray, you should not swim in very cold water.

Also, remember to acclimatize to the pool or ocean water before you can fully submerge. If you get into cold water suddenly, it might cause constriction of your blood vessels, which will in turn reduce the flow of blood to the fetus and to different parts of your body.

Whether you are swimming in your private swimming pool or in the ocean, the best water temperature should be between 25 and 29°C or 78 and 84°F. If the water is colder or hotter than this, you can have problems with your pregnancy.

Even if the water feels cold to you, it does not get to the baby. The baby is well protected and insulated from the outdoor temperature changes.

However, if your body’s core temperature rises above 39°C, it can cause birth defects. It is vital that you do not let this happen.

Please note that swimming in heated pools, and taking hot baths can change the core temperature of your body. It is best that you do not exceed the recommended level.

Final thoughts: Can you swim in the sea when pregnant?

As long as you employ the best swimming precautions during pregnancy, it is okay to swim in the sea when pregnant.

The biggest consideration here is the temperature. Remember, seawater gets colder than pool water. Therefore, we are assuming that you are only going to swim in the open water in summer, to cool off, and never alone!

You can also swim through the three trimesters without a problem. Just understand your limits, and do not wear tight swimwear.

Swimming when you are pregnant is recommended because it is a good, low-impact exercise. It will not hurt your joints.

Besides, you still need your cardio workout for your lungs, heart, and circulation health. So, swim through the three trimesters if you like.

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