can swimming improve running

How Can Swimming Make You a Super Speedy Runner?

If you are a land runner, or perhaps you want to challenge yourself in the next New York Marathon, you will want to know whether swimming can improve swimming.

In the past, we have compared the calories lost when swimming and running. Today, we want to see how you can swim your way to an incredible running profile.

While running and swimming are different activities, swimming can be your secret tool for becoming a better runner.

To give you a sneak peek of how swimming helps you to become a better runner, it strengthens your heart, improves your breathing under duress, strengthens the muscles that get zero to minimal workout when running, and improves post-running recovery. These are just a few of the benefits of swimming to a runner.

Keep reading to see ways in which jumping into the pool regularly can improve your running.

5 Ways Swimming Makes You a Running Rockstar

how swimming helps in running

When you swim, you face higher resistance than when you run. Water has up to 14 percent more resistance than air.

Because of this, swimming requires you to engage almost all muscle groups to propel your whole body in the water.

Here are five ways in which swimming will improve the way you run:

1. Improved Cardio

Just like running, swimming gets your heart pumping and your lungs working hard. This improves your overall cardiovascular fitness, which is like the engine that powers your runs.

Think of it like having a bigger, stronger engine in your car—you can go further and faster!

A study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology even showed that runners who swam regularly improved their 3.2k time by a whopping 13 seconds! That’s a serious speed boost!

2. Incredible muscle workouts

Swimming isn’t just for splashing around. It’s a full-body workout that strengthens muscles you might not even know you have, especially in your core and upper body.

These muscles help you run more efficiently and provide support, better posture, and balance. This is kind of like having a team of tiny superheroes working inside you!

The glutes, thighs, pectoral muscles, chest, biceps, core, and neck get a good workout when you hit the pool. Of course, using different swimming strokes helps to target different muscles.

3. Low-impact workout

Running is great, but it can be really tough on your joints. Swimming, on the other hand, is super gentle.

The water supports your body, so you can exercise without all the pounding on your knees and ankles.

This is especially helpful if you’re recovering from an injury or just want to give your joints a break.

It is also the reason that a 4-year-old can swim, and a 95-year-old can also enjoy swimming. As a low-impact exercise, swimming is gentle on the body.

Swimming gives more mental clarity

Running can sometimes feel like a mental battle, but swimming can be surprisingly relaxing.

The rhythmic movements and calming buoyancy can help clear your head and reduce stress. This mental boost can carry over into your runs, making you feel more focused and motivated.

Swimming and running complement each other

In your quest to keep fit, you do not want to keep doing the same thing over and over again. You want variety to make your life more interesting.

Even something as exciting as running gets boring when done too much. However, when you take up swimming, it adds variety to your routine, keeping things fresh and exciting.

This can help you stay motivated and prevent burnout, which is important for any athlete. When you don’t feel like running, you can go and swim. Either way, you get to work out.

Can you improve your stamina by swimming?

Can you improve your stamina by swimming

Stamina is also called endurance, meaning the duration you can last while doing a particular workout. So, if you would like to build your stamina when running so that you can run faster and longer, you might need to include more workouts in your regimen.

This is why many running enthusiasts ask: can swimming improve my stamina?

Absolutely! Swimming is fantastic for building stamina because it’s a continuous, low-impact exercise that works your entire body.

The more you swim, the longer and harder you’ll be able to go, both in the pool and on the track.

To improve your stamina in the pool, try more swimming resistance exercises. For instance, treading water can help a lot, as could water aerobics, and other types of workouts.

Swimming vs running: which is better?

If you run, well, you can swim. However, if you swim, it is not a given that you can always swim. For instance, if you are recovering from some illness or surgery, you might be able to swim but not run.

Therefore, when it comes to swimming vs running, it’s not really about which one is “better,” but rather how they can complement each other.

Running is great for building leg strength and speed, while swimming shines in improving overall fitness, reducing impact, and offering mental benefits.

Therefore, think of them as teammates working together to make you a well-rounded athlete!

But if you were really to choose, go for swimming if you need a low-impact workout. It will help a great deal.

The results of swimming daily for a month will definitely be better than those of running for the same duration.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I swim to improve my running?

Aim for 2-3 swim sessions per week, depending on your fitness level and running goals. You could always swim more, since there is everything to gain and almost nothing to lose.

What kind of swimming workouts are best for runners?

Interval training (HIIT), drills, and longer steady swims can be very beneficial to your health, stamina, posture, breathing, heart rate, and more. Talk to a coach or certified trainer for personalized advice.

Can I replace running with swimming entirely?

No, you should not. While swimming is fantastic, it doesn’t fully replicate the specific demands of running. Run and swim, to enjoy more benefits.

I’m not a good swimmer. Can I still benefit?

Absolutely! Start slow and gradually build up your skills and endurance. Even gentle swimming can make a difference. Start by learning how to float, then work on how to swim faster.

Will swimming make me lose weight?

Both swimming and running can help with weight management, but remember, a healthy diet is key! Results of swimming three times a week include noticeable weight loss, of course, in several weeks.


Swimming can be your secret weapon for becoming a faster, stronger, and happier runner. By adding it to your workout routine, you’ll be building a powerful foundation for your running journey.

When you do not have the mojo to hit the track or get onto your indoor spin bike, get in your swimsuit and hit the water. Swimming boosts the release of feel-good hormones, so you feel much better soon after.

And no, don’t replace running with swimming, or vice versa. Rather, incorporate both workouts into your exercise regimen, and reap the benefits of both worlds.

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