can i learn swimming at age 40

Is It Possible To Learn At Swimming After 40 Years of Age?

Can I learn swimming at age 40, or should I just give up altogether? You can learn how to swim at 2 years of age, and you can swim at 90 years of age. The only difference is that when you are older, you will need to gear up more, and you will take a bit longer to learn how to swim. So, yeah! You can learn how to swim at 40 years, easily and fast.

I get why you would be asking about learning to swim at age 40. You see research shows that 55% of people above 15 years of age cannot swim unassisted.

That is a huge number of people!

The good thing is that you can learn to swim at whatever age. Most of the vacations that you will take in your adult life will take you to the seaside. You don’t want to be the person who never learned to swim, and miss out on all the fun.

And the best thing yet is that you can even learn how to learn swimming by yourself. You can also hire a trainer to give you private swimming lessons.

Can we learn how to swim at 40 years?

Can we learn how to swim at 40 years?

Yes, you can learn to swim at 40 years of age, and in this regard, you will actually not take long at all.

Usually, an adult can learn how to swim well in six days. However, this depends on how consistent you are. If you can dedicate 60 minutes daily, by the end of one week, you will be fairly good.

At 40 years of age, you can learn all the fundamental pillars of swimming. For instance, you will learn how to float on your back.

If you have a private swimming trainer, you will learn all the basics. This means you can swim on your own without the danger of drowning, in the pool.

You will also learn the 5 basic strokes of swimming. With such fundamentals already learned, you can build on your skill later, with more practice.

Can a 50+ year old learn how to swim?

When people ask this question, I guess they are usually wondering whether they can put in the work.

At 50 years of age, the gross motor skills are just fine. While science shows that motor skills start to diminish with age, 50 is still young. Therefore, you can learn how to swim perfectly.

Whether you want to learn how to swim on your own, or you want to be trained, 50 is a good age.

You may take longer than a 30 or 40 year old to master the swimming strokes, but you are going to learn just fine.

Once you have learned the basic swimming skills, you will need to keep practicing, until you can swim properly. Also, in the first few weeks after learning, swim with other people close by, just to avoid freak accidents.

Is swimming good for 50 year olds?

Swimming is the perfect exercise for adults approaching senior age. It is simple, and it is incredibly fun.

At this age, your body is going to start retaining fat, so you will need to pick up a workout regimen to keep fit.

Swimming can take care of that for you, as you can read in my article on my body before and after swimming. Remember, it also helps you to burn belly fat.

You can also read more information about how swimming helps your health in my posts on the results of swimming daily for a month, and another one on the benefits of swimming 3 times a week results.

If you are learning how to swim at this age, take it one step at a time. For instance, you do not want to jump in the pool haphazardly. This is a skill that will take you some time to develop.

As long as you have no disability, you can train how to swim, grasp the basics fast, and then get busy building on your skills later.

In fact, at this age, you don’t even need to swim with a life jacket, but if you have problems learning how to float, you can wear it.

Is 25 too old to learn how to swim?

Are you kidding me? 25 is like the best age ever to start swimming, that is, if you did not learn how to swim when you were a kid.

At 25, you are full of energy, and you can take longer swimming lessons. Therefore, you will even learn faster than, say, a person who is 50 years old.

Your motor skills are well-polished, and your body can handle the variations required when you are learning different swimming strokes.

But even at this age, it is very important that you train with a trainer. This should take about five days. You can make the training sessions longer, so that you build your skill fast.

Frankly, whether you are 20 or 90, it is never too late to swim, as there is no maximum swimming age limit. The only difference will be the time required to grasp the skills in the pool.

Keep the learning restricted to the swimming pool, and do not go swimming in the open water too soon.

Can a 50 year old woman learn to swim?

Actually, it does not matter whether you are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 100. It also does not matter whether you are a boy, girl, youth, man, or woman, but you will learn how to take a dip in the pool safely.

Of course, women are concerned about many things. For instance, they want to know how soon they can swim after CS, whether someone can swim in the pool with a yeast infection, and so on.

As long as you are not physically incapacitated, you will learn how to swim just okay.  But …

It is going to be super hard to master swimming when you are 50 years old. In fact, some people give up on it, completely.

Therefore, you will have to put in more work than the person who learns how to swim when they are younger.

Sure, you will learn the basics such as floating on the water, kicking, and others. You will take a longer time to overcome your fear of deep water, learn to tread water, and many others.

Is it difficult to learn to swim as an adult?

Is it difficult to learn to swim as an adult

It is certainly more difficult than learning to swim when you are young. For instance, a 25-year-old will learn faster than a 50-year-old.

When you are older, you will need to put in more work, and more effort. You might also need to use swimming floaties to help you float.

While it is difficult to learn to swim as an adult, it is certainly not impossible. You have to be consistent so that you do not forget the skills that you learn in the first few days.

You have much more to overcome from the fear of the water, lack of confidence, and so many more.

Also, chances are high that at an older age, you will have gained weight. Self-esteem at the beach or the swimming pool is a concern for you.

The good thing is that there are swimsuits for love handles, so you can still enjoy swimming irrespective of your weight.

Once you have been able to overcome your fears, you can commence your swimming training. Stay consistent until you grasp all the basics, and then swim more frequently, after that.

How to make learning how to swim as an adult easy

If you did not get the opportunity to learn swimming as a child, you can still learn this important skill when you are an adult.

Not only do you enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of swimming, but you can also have a lot of fun. Swimming is one of the best ways to relax after a hard week at work.

But it is also easy to give up, especially when you have a strong fear of deep water.

Follow the tips below to make your swimming lessons easier:

1. Get the right swimming gear

This is the first thing to do. There is a reason for wearing the right swimming attire. First, the right swimming gear reduces drag in the water.

Secondly, swimming attire for men or women does not introduce bacteria into the pool. Of course, it can, but not in as large numbers as the home clothes.

Go for everything that you can use, including swim caps for your hair, swim trunks for men, and others. Wearing the proper swimming clothes boosts your confidence.

2. Start slowly

Start your swimming lessons slowly, so that you can grasp every step. For instance, you can do the following:

  • On the first day, get familiar with the water, by wading in up to knee or waist level
  • Listen to the swimming instructor carefully
  • Learn how to control your breathing, how to kick, and so on
  • Do not stay too long in the water the first day. 30 to 45 minutes should be okay

3. Be consistent

Consistency will enable you to learn how to swim faster. Therefore, start learning how to swim when you have enough free time, so that you can attend lessons at least five times a week.

If you go once a week for 30 minutes, it is possible to forget the first lessons. The recommended time for a swimming lesson is 30 to 60 minutes. Take such lessons at least five times a week.

4. Warm up before swimming

If you would like to avoid post-workout soreness, warm up in the morning with lunges, squats, and stretching workouts. This can also help you to avoid feeling dizzy after swimming.

Also, make a habit of taking a shower before getting into the pool, and eating a snack to give you the energy that you need to swim.

Check my past articles on:

Can you swim in the Dead Sea?

Can you swim if you have a yeast infection?

I pee in pools t-shirt 


As I said in another article on why infants cannot swim instinctively, well, as long as you are out of the infancy stage, you can learn how to swim.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. You could be 5 years old, or 95 years old. You can learn how to swim.

Wondering when to start your swimming training? Start now. Today. The longer you delay, the longer it will take you to learn.

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