About Us

I believe swimming, like riding a bicycle with the wind blowing through your hair, is one of the few, free remaining pleasures of life.

That’s why I consider myself a swimming advocate. I want to get more people to swim!

Growing inland without natural water bodies and too poor to afford a swimming pool, I had almost given up on swimming. Ever!

Until I came to know that it was possible to learn to swim at any age.

And that is how I learned how to swim, literally taught myself how to swim, by watching YouTube videos.

Slowly, I weaned myself from using personal flotation devices like the life jacket, buoyancy belts and others, to freedom!

That’s when I thought it would be a good idea to share helpful tips with people who would like to learn how to swim and enjoy all the fun associated with swimming.

Irrespective of your age, as long as you are alive and not incapacitated, you can swim! That’s the bottom line!

Keep it here because I often post about swimming tips, occasional products that I have tried out, how to get the best cardio workout from swimming and much more.

Is there any swimming information you can share with me? Reach out. I do appreciate all feedback.

Is there something you can share with me about how to swim, swimming pools, and other swimming matters?

Share with me today, through my contacts: admin@canyouswim.com

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